T 3 Business Law

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business with just 1 owner (proprietor), doesn’t have to be registered and the owner has unlimited liability, the owner pays just income tax
öğrenmeye başla
Sole trader
kind of a business that consist of at least 2 partners, who have unlimited liability, they have joint and several liability
öğrenmeye başla
kind of a business that consist of at le ingilizce
kind of business with at least 2 parners, one is called general partner and has unlimited liability, and others are called limited partners and have limited liability
öğrenmeye başla
Limited partnership
mixture of company and partnership, consist of members/partners who have limited liability, must be regitered, each member has to pay income tax
öğrenmeye başla
Limited liability partnership
company with at least 1 shareholders with limited liability up to the value of investment, shares can be bought only directly from shareholders, company is liquidated
öğrenmeye başla
Private limited company (ltd)
kind of business that consists of at least 2 shareholders with limited liability, shares are publicly avalible (can be bought on Stock Exchange)
öğrenmeye başla
Public limited company (plc)
person who works on his own and for himself
öğrenmeye başla
document that has to be delivered to tax office by sole trader and partnership, tax declaration
öğrenmeye başla
Annual self-assessement form
to invest, to put money into a business
öğrenmeye başla
to contribute
foce sb to do sth
öğrenmeye başla
to expel
money that the partners gain on the account of future profits from the partnership
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
if not
öğrenmeye başla
organisation that has rights and duties of individuals
öğrenmeye başla
Legal entity
payment of company’s profits to it’s shareholders usually once a year
öğrenmeye başla
Maxiumum amount of share capital that the company can issue
öğrenmeye başla
Authorised share capital
first value of a share that doesn’t change  par value, face value
öğrenmeye başla
Nominal value
amount of money that you have to pay to buy a share
öğrenmeye başla
Market value
process in which all assets of the company are sold to pay its debs
öğrenmeye başla
considerable (znaczący)
öğrenmeye başla
company that is arealdy registered and can be sold
öğrenmeye başla
Off-the-shelf company
set of documents that a company has to deliver every year to Companies House, these documents give up-to-date information about company, the documents are: profit and loss account and balance sheet (shows the value of assets and value od debts)
öğrenmeye başla
Annual return
income tax that companies pay
öğrenmeye başla
Corporation tax
tax on income of individuals
öğrenmeye başla
Income tax
partners are liable for parnterships debts individually and together as a group
öğrenmeye başla
Joint and several liability
to resolve a dispute
öğrenmeye başla
To settle a dispute
warning that sth is going to happen
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
first shareholders of a company
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
to subsist
1) depending on, 2) except [z zastrzeżeniem]
öğrenmeye başla
Subject to
to end, to terminate
öğrenmeye başla
to determine
Zaciągnąć dług
öğrenmeye başla
incure a debt
Znaleźć się w ryzykownej sytuacji
öğrenmeye başla
to be at risk
działać pod firmą
öğrenmeye başla
To trade under
Dochód z inwestycji
öğrenmeye başla
return on investment
Zastosować się do prawa
öğrenmeye başla
comply with law, abide by law
robić zysk/pieniądze
öğrenmeye başla
Make profit/money
robić biznes
öğrenmeye başla
To do business

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