English language

In this section, we will focus on the latter rule as we discuss active and passive voice. You’re probably heard of the passive voice- perhaps in a comment from an English teacher or in the grammar checker of a word processor. So, what is passive voice? Why is this case? We can learn it from this lesson and understand in some instances where the passive voice is a better choice than the active

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English users often confuse the present perfect and present perfect continuous. This lesson employs an imaginary biography to get users speaking about completed accomplishments (present perfect) and duration of activity (present perfect continuous)

26 flashcards josehbaltazar

There are a bunch of other words and expressions in English, apart from the main modal verbs, which also express modal meaning. Here are some definition and example of modal verbs and related phrases from English users.

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İlgili: modal verbs | learning English | passive voice | active versus passive voice | present perfect simple and continuous tense | related phrases