soru |
cevap |
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
to call somebody/to phone somebody/to telephone somebody/to ring somebody up
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
to answer the phone=to take the call
öğrenmeye başla
osoba obsługująca centralę öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
the answer phone=the answering machine
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
to send somebody a text message=to text somebody
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
to speak/talk on the phone
öğrenmeye başla
can you answer the phone//can you take the call/it
öğrenmeye başla
there is phone-call/call for you
jesteś proszony do telefonu öğrenmeye başla
you are wanted on the phone
öğrenmeye başla
there is someone on the phone for you
niejaki pan Watson do ciebie öğrenmeye başla
pan Watson jest niestety zajęty w tej chwili öğrenmeye başla
I'm afraid Mr Watson is busy// it's not available it's unavailable/engaged//... at the moment
On rozmawia właśnie z drugiego aparatu z Londynem öğrenmeye başla
he's just (speaking) on the other phone to (somebody in) London
pani Smart nie ma w tej chwili öğrenmeye başla
Ms. Smart is not there at the moment
pani Smart jest poza biurem öğrenmeye başla
Ms. smart is out of the office
pani Smart jest na zebraniu öğrenmeye başla
Ms. Smart is at a meeting
pani Smart jest w delegacji/na wyjeździe służbowym öğrenmeye başla
ms. smart is away on business
pani Smart jest na "chorobowym"/na zwolnieniu lekarskim öğrenmeye başla
Ms. Smart is: on the sick (very formal)//off [work because she is] (BE)ill/sick(AE) (neutral)//on sick leave (formal
czy zaczeka pan/Czy może pan zaczekać/czy chciałby pan zaczekać na linii? öğrenmeye başla
will you/can you/would you like to hold?
Proszę zaczekać/pozostać na linii=Proszę się nie rozłączać/nie odkładać słuchawki öğrenmeye başla
hold the line (please)/don't hang up (please)/don't ring off (please)
oddzwonię do pani później öğrenmeye başla
I will call (you) back later=ring (you) back later=I will get back to you later
Przełączę pana do działu sprzedaży/na jego pocztę głosową öğrenmeye başla
I will transfer you to the sales department/to his voicemail
może pan spróbować zadzwonić do niego na komórkę öğrenmeye başla
you can try calling him on his mobile
Czy mogę/mógłbym prosić pana nazwisko i adres? öğrenmeye başla
can/could I have your name and address?
czy mógłby mi pan podać swoje nazwisko i adres? öğrenmeye başla
Could you give me your name and address?/Could you let me have your name and address?
öğrenmeye başla
you've got the wrong number
öğrenmeye başla
the number is engaged/the line is busy
wybrałem wewnętrzny 767 i nikt nie odpowiada öğrenmeye başla
I have dial extension 767 and there is no answer
nie (całkiem) zrozumiałem ostatnią część öğrenmeye başla
I didn't (quite) get the last part
nie mogę połączyć się z marketingiem/dodzwonić się do działu marketingu öğrenmeye başla
I can't get through to marketing/the marketing department
jestem osiągalny pod numerem... öğrenmeye başla
można się do mnie dodzwonić na numer... öğrenmeye başla
można się ze mną skontaktować pod numerem... öğrenmeye başla
you can contact me on.../I can be contacted on...
Netia, obsługa klienta Jan Kowalski (mówi) w czym mogę pomóc? öğrenmeye başla
Netia, customer service Jan Kowalski (speaking) how can I help you?
To Anna Novak z Talent Hunters öğrenmeye başla
This is Anna Novak from/of Talent Hunters
Anna Novak z/z Łowców talentów dzwoni/mówi öğrenmeye başla
Anna Novak from/of talent Hunters calling/speaking
cześć, tu Jeff z Talent Hunters (nieformalnie) öğrenmeye başla
hi this is Jeff from Talent Hunters (informal)
czy to pani White marketingu? Słucham/przy telefonie öğrenmeye başla
is that Ms. White from marketing? speaking
öğrenmeye başla
is that the sales department?
Chciałbym rozmawiać z panią Watson z marketingu öğrenmeye başla
I'd like to speak to Ms Watson from marketing
Czy mogę rozmawiać z panią Watson? (formalnie) öğrenmeye başla
may I speak to Ms Watson? (formal)
czy mógłbym (ewentualnie) porozmawiać z panią Watson? (uprzejmie) öğrenmeye başla
could I (possibly) speak to Ms Watson? (polite)
Poproszę/Czy mogę prosić z Jane z marketingu? öğrenmeye başla
can I have Jane from marketing?
Poproszę kierunkowy 345. łączę pana öğrenmeye başla
can I have extension 345? (I'm) putting you through
poproszę z panią White pod kierunkowym 258 öğrenmeye başla
can I have Mr White on extension 258?
1. Czy mogłaby pani połączyć mnie z kadrami? 2. Czy połączyła by mnie pani z kadrami? 3. Czy byłoby pani uprzejma połączyć mnie z kadrami? öğrenmeye başla
1. Could you possibly put me through to Human Resources? 2. Would you kindly put me through to Human Resources? 3. Would you mind getting me through to human resources?
Chciałem rozmawiać z panem White. Czy mógłby mi pan powiedzieć w jakiej sprawie? öğrenmeye başla
I'd like to speak to Mr White. Could you tell me what it is about?
Dzwonię w sprawie ogłoszenia w naszym magazynie. (calling about) öğrenmeye başla
I'm calling about advert in our magazine.
Dzwonię, żeby umówić się na spotkanie z panem Brownem na piątek. (calling to) öğrenmeye başla
I'm calling to make an appointment with/to see Mr Brown for/on Friday
powodem (dlaczego) dzwonię jest umówienie się na spotkanie z kimś... öğrenmeye başla
the reason (why) I'm calling is to make an appointment with somebody...(for+time; on+day; at+time)
Czy mogę zostawić wiadomość dla pani Watson u pani? öğrenmeye başla
Can/could I leave a message for Mr. Watson at your place?
Czy mogłaby pani coś przekazać ode mnie? öğrenmeye başla
Could you (possibly) take a message for me?
Czy mogłaby pani przekazać moją wiadomość panu Watsonowi? öğrenmeye başla
Could you give my message to Mr Watson?
czy chciałby pan zostawić wiadomość? öğrenmeye başla
would you like to leave a message
Czy może/czy mam coś przekazać? öğrenmeye başla
czy chciałby pan żebym coś przekazała öğrenmeye başla
Would you like me to leave a message?
Kiedy moglibyśmy się ewentualnie spotkać/zebrać razem/zobaczyć? öğrenmeye başla
when could we possibly meet/get together/see each other?
Jaka jest najlepsza pora dla pana? Jaka byłaby najlepsza pora dla pani? öğrenmeye başla
what is the best time for you? What would be the best time for you?
Jaka godzina i dzień byłyby dla Ciebie najdogodniejsze? öğrenmeye başla
What time and day would be the most convenient for you?
jaka pora odpowiada panu najbardziej? Jaka pora odpowiadałaby panu najbardziej? öğrenmeye başla
what time suits you best? What time would suit you best?
Czy moglibyśmy się spotkać kiedyś/wkrótce/w tym tygodniu/w następnym miesiącu? öğrenmeye başla
Could we possibly met sometime/soon/this week/next month?
No, to w takim razie, może piątek rano? öğrenmeye başla
well, then=in that case, How about Friday morning?
jak się panu podoba czwartkowe popołudnie? öğrenmeye başla
how do you like Thursday afternoon?
czy odpowiadałby pani poniedziałek 2:00 po południu? öğrenmeye başla
Does Monday 2:00 pm suit you?
Czy jest pan wolny(x2) w środę rano? öğrenmeye başla
are you free/available on Wednesday morning?
Czy da pani radę we wczesnych godzinach rannych, powiedzmy 8:00-9:00? öğrenmeye başla
can you manage (it) in the early morning hours, (let's) say between 8:00 and 9:00?
czy odpowiadałby pani czwartek po południu? (x4) öğrenmeye başla
does Tuesday afternoon suit you? Is Tuesday afternoon okay with you? Is Tuesday afternoon fine/all right with you? Is Tuesday afternoon possible for you/convenient to you?
öğrenmeye başla
niestety nie dam rady w piątek rano öğrenmeye başla
I'm sorry but I can make it/manage on Friday morning
jestem niestety zajęty wtedy/w tym tygodniu öğrenmeye başla
I'm busy/unavailable/engaged then/on that day
Ten termin mi w ogóle nie odpowiada öğrenmeye başla
that date/day doesn't suit me at all
Przykro mi ale to jest niestety niemożliwe öğrenmeye başla
I'm sorry but that's impossible, I'm afraid
wtorek po południu jest/byłby/wydaje się o wiele lepszy öğrenmeye başla
Tuesday afternoon is/would be/seems/appears much better
wolałbym środowe popołudnie/Wolałbym spotkać się w środę po południu öğrenmeye başla
I would prefer Wednesday afternoon
niech no spojrzę... tak, mam dość luźny przyszły tydzień öğrenmeye başla
let me look now... I'm fairly free next week
öğrenmeye başla
Połączę panią z jego pocztą głosową öğrenmeye başla
I'll put you through to his voicemail
coś mi nagle wyskoczyło i nie dam rady we wtorek öğrenmeye başla
Something come up and I won't be able to make it on Tuesday
dopilnuje żeby dostał te wiadomości öğrenmeye başla
will make sure he gets the message
öğrenmeye başla
oddzwonię W ciągu następnej godziny öğrenmeye başla
I'll call you back within the next hour
niestety muszę przeplanować moje umówione spotkanie öğrenmeye başla
unfortunately I have got to reschedule my appointment
pani Watts jest w tej chwili zajęta öğrenmeye başla
Miss Watts is engaged at the moment
Czy mogłaby pani przekazać wiadomość ode mnie öğrenmeye başla
would you be able to take a message from me, please?
Chciałbym się z panem umówić na spotkanie, kiedy będę w Londynie öğrenmeye başla
I'd like to make an appointment with you when I'm in London.
będziemy mieli dużo do obgadania öğrenmeye başla
we'll have plenty to talk about
niech na sprawdzę mój terminarz öğrenmeye başla