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öğrenmeye başla
So everywhere we look, big things and small things, material things and lifestyle things, life is a matter of choice.
miał w zwyczaju/ kiedys dawniej öğrenmeye başla
And the word we used to live in looked like this Swiat w ktorym zylismy wyglada tak (w domysle ale juz nie zyjemy - spr?)
öğrenmeye başla
All of this choice has two effects, two negative, two negative effects on people. One effect, paradoxically, is that it produces paralysis rather then liberation.
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
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öğrenmeye başla
With so many options to choose from, people find it very difficult to choose at all przy tylu mozliwych opcjach ludziom trudno jest w oglole dokonac wyboru
öğrenmeye başla
Pierwszy efekt, paradoksalnie, to wywolanie paralizu, zamiast wyzwolenia. One effect, paradoxically, is that it produces paralisys rather than liberation.
öğrenmeye başla
Przy tylu mozliwych opcjach, ludziom trudno jest w ogole dokonac wyboru. With so many options to choose from, people find it very difficult to choose at all.
sprawa, kwestia (sprawa lub sytuacja, z ktora trzeba sobie poradzic) öğrenmeye başla
matter, issue (a matter or situation that needs to be dealt with) Zycie jest kwestia wyborow. Life is a matter of choice.
miał w zwyczaju(uzywane do okreslenia czynnosci, ktore zdarzaly sie regularnie w przeszlosci, ale juz sie nie zdarzaja) öğrenmeye başla
Świat, w ktorym zylismy, wygladal tak. And the world we used to live in looked like this.
naprawde, rzeczywiscie, faktycznie öğrenmeye başla
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pracownik (osoba zatrudniona) öğrenmeye başla
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wskaznik (np. bezrobocia) öğrenmeye başla
zmniejszac sie, opadac, obnizac sie öğrenmeye başla
mniej (rzeczy, osob ). Uzywany zazwyczaj przed rzeczownikiem w l. mnogiej öğrenmeye başla
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put it off tomorrow, and then tomorrow and tomorrow, of course tomorrow never comes.
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becausce they don’t have enough money put away,
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it also menas that making the decision is so hard
öğrenmeye başla
pass up significant matching money from the employer.