soru |
cevap |
-s is [s] after voiceless sounds. öğrenmeye başla
shops. writes. Mick's. cliffs.
-s is [z] after voiced sounds. öğrenmeye başla
-s/-es is [iz] after the sounds [s], [z], [∫], [Ʒ], [ʧ] and [ʤ]. öğrenmeye başla
prices. loses. watches. Mr Blish's.
After the sounds [s], [z], [∫], [Ʒ], [ʧ] and [ʤ] the end is -es. öğrenmeye başla
dish → dishes. box → boxes. watch→ watches.
if the word ends in e, the ending is -s. öğrenmeye başla
price → prices. lose → loses. realize → realizes.
We leave out e before an ending with a vowel, e.g. -ing, -ed, -er, -est. öğrenmeye başla
write → writing. like→ liked. nice → nicer. fine → finest.
If the e is part of a vowel sound (e.g. agree), we do not leave it out before -ing. öğrenmeye başla
We do not leave out e before an ending with a consonant, e.g. -s, -ly. öğrenmeye başla
make → makes. nice → nicely.
But we leave out e from true and whole before -ly. öğrenmeye başla
true → truly. whole → wholly.
When an adjective ending in - le becomes an adverb, e changes to y. öğrenmeye başla
possible → possibly. probable → probably.
-ed is [t] after voiceless sounds. öğrenmeye başla
stopped. looked. passed. laughed.
-ed is [d] after voiced sounds. öğrenmeye başla
showed. played. cleaned. used.
-ed is [id] after [t] and [d]. öğrenmeye başla
In short words with one written vowel (a, e, i, o, u) + one written consonant (n, p, g, t, etc.), we double the consonant (nn, pp, gg, tt) before an ending with a vowel, e.g. -ing, -ed, -er, or -est. öğrenmeye başla
plan → planning. stop → stopped. big → bigger. fat → fattest.
We do not double the consonant if it is y or w (e.g. play, show) öğrenmeye başla
play → playing. show → showed. clean→ cleaner. short → shortest.
In longer words we double the consonant if the last part of the word is stressed (e.g. begin). öğrenmeye başla
We do not double the consonant if the last part of the word is unstressed (e.g. visit). öğrenmeye başla
But we double l in British English (e.g. GB travelled, USA traveled. öğrenmeye başla
In words ending in a consonant (d, l, r, n, p etc.) + y, the y changes to ie before -s and to i before -ed, -er, -est and -ly. öğrenmeye başla
lady → ladies. fly → flies. carry → carried. funny → funnier. silly → silliest. happy → happily.
In the possessive form we use an apostrophe + s with a singular noun and an apostrophe with a plural noun. öğrenmeye başla
the secretary's desk. the secretaries' desks.
y does not change after a vowel. öğrenmeye başla
y does not change before -ing. öğrenmeye başla
ie changes to y before -ing. öğrenmeye başla