Then vs Than - gramática inglesa

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I'm smarter (...) you.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
I'm smarter than you.
If you are hungry, (...) you should eat.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
If you are hungry, then you should eat.
Is she older (...) your sister?
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
Is she older than your sister?
Better late (...) never.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
Better late than never.
I went shopping and (...) to the cinema.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
I went shopping and then to the cinema.
This is harder (...) you might think.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
This is harder than you might think.
Better safe (...) sorry.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
Better safe than sorry.
Easier said (...) done.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
Easier said than done.
Take a shower and (...) brush your teeth.
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
Take a shower and then brush your teeth.
What happened (...)?
then / than
öğrenmeye başla
What happened then?

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