soru |
cevap |
Być albo nie być, oto jest pytanie. öğrenmeye başla
To be, or not to be, that is the question.
Najtrudniej jest rozpocząć pisanie pracy, później jest łatwiej. öğrenmeye başla
The most difficult part about writing a dissertation is getting started, then it gets easier.
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Planuję zakup nowego akwarium dla ryb. öğrenmeye başla
I'm planning to buy a new fish aquarium.
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John powinien przyjść lada chwila. öğrenmeye başla
John should come here any minute.
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Co zamierzasz teraz zrobić? öğrenmeye başla
What are you planning to do now?
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I've eaten your sandwich.
Wciąż nie znalazłem odpowiedniej osoby. öğrenmeye başla
I still haven't found the right person.
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Ona zawsze dostaje to czego chce. öğrenmeye başla
She always gets what she wants.
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Can you give me 5 dollars?
Nie ma jej tu teraz, poszła do gabinetu kierownika. öğrenmeye başla
She's not here at the moment, she's gone to the manager's office.
Listonosz nie miał dzisiaj dla nas żadnych listów. öğrenmeye başla
The postman didn't have any letters for us today.
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Czy my się już wcześniej nie spotkaliśmy? öğrenmeye başla
Tomek czyta teraz gazetę. öğrenmeye başla
Tom is reading a newspaper now.
Molly byłą pierwszą kobietą, która przebiegła dystans 100 metrów poniżej 10.0 sekund. öğrenmeye başla
Molly became the first woman to run the 100 meter dash in under 10.0 seconds.
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What are you trying to say?
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Siedzi teraz, ponieważ bolą ją nogi. öğrenmeye başla
She's sitting now because her feet hurt.
Rozmawiałem z nią ledwo wczoraj. öğrenmeye başla
I spoke to her only yesterday.
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Nauczyłam się pływać w wieku trzech lat. öğrenmeye başla
I learned to swim at the age of three.
Nigdy nie biorą pieniędzy od swoich rodziców. öğrenmeye başla
They never take any money from their parents.
Trudno jest uczyć studentów z dysleksją. öğrenmeye başla
It's difficult to teach students with dyslexia.
Ona zawsze nosi bardzo śmieszne ubrania. öğrenmeye başla
She always wears very funny clothes.
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Proszę nie pisać w książce. öğrenmeye başla
Don't write in the books, please.