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tack on
öğrenmeye başla
to add something that wasn't planned before; dodać coś (na końcu). Add the end of his speech, he tacked on some jokes.
tackle about
öğrenmeye başla
to try to make somebody reveal certain information or do something you want; przycisnąć kogoś. If you don't tackle the estate agent about your flat, the whole affair will last forever.
tackle on
öğrenmeye başla
to speak about something in a firm way, to make someone speak about an issue; przycisnąć (kogoś) w jakiejś sprawie. You've got to tackle him on the conditions of your work.
tag along with
öğrenmeye başla
to join somebody; przyłączyć się do. Why don't we tag along with Robert and his mates?
tag on
öğrenmeye başla
to add something to e.g. a text; dodać. You should tag on a couple of sentences about this particular event.
tail after
öğrenmeye başla
to follow someone; chodzić za kimś, łazić za kimś, snuć się za kimś. All day long he was tailing after her.
tail away
öğrenmeye başla
to lessen in quality; to decrease; zmniejszać się, zanikać, słabnąć, zamierać. Her voice tailed away and she started to cry.
take after
öğrenmeye başla
to be similar to e.g. parents, to share certain features with sb; dziedziczyć (cechy), być podobnym do kogoś. Sheila certainly takes after her mother.
take back
öğrenmeye başla
to return something; to accept something back; to repeat something in order to pracise it; to make one's words not valid; zwrócić; przyjąć z powrotem; powtarzać coś (ćwiczyć); odwołać, wycofać (słowa, opinię, zdanie) You should take back your remarks- you were completely wrong.
take down
öğrenmeye başla
to destroy or remove; to dismantle; to put sth (such as currently spoken words) in writing; zburzyć; rozmontowywać; notować, zapisywać. Take down everything the teacher says.
take for
öğrenmeye başla
to regard as; uważać za, brać za. You must have taken me for somebody else.
take in
öğrenmeye başla
to cheat; oszukiwać, nabierać. It's unbelieveable you got taken in so easily!
take off
öğrenmeye başla
(about planes, birds, flying insects) to leave the ground, to start flying; wystartować (o samolocie), odlatywać. We have to hurry, the plane takes off in an hour.
take on
öğrenmeye başla
to accept,e.g. responsibility, work; to employ; wziąć na siebie (odpowiedzialność itp.); zatrudniać. The doctor said you mustn't take on so many duties.
take out
öğrenmeye başla
to produce something from a place; to remove something such as stain; wyjąć; usunąć (plamę). It's impossible to take these stains out.
take up
öğrenmeye başla
to discuss; podejmować (temat) It was he who took up the boys' problems with their teachers.
talk about
öğrenmeye başla
to mention something or someone; to say unfavourable things about someone; to consider an idea; rozmawiać o; obmawiać (kogoś); rozważać coś. I'm warning you, they're going to talk about you!
talk away
öğrenmeye başla
to speak without an end, to spend time talking; mówić bez końca; przegadać (np. noc) We hadn't seen each other for a while, so we talked the whole night away.
talk back
öğrenmeye başla
to answer, usually rudely; odpowiadać; pyskować, odpowiadać niegrzecznie. Don't talk back to your teacher. He's going to remember it.
talk into
öğrenmeye başla
to persuade someone to do something; namówić kogoś na coś. We talked Michał into joining us.
talk out
öğrenmeye başla
to discuss sth thoroughly; omówić coś dokładnie. Wait! We've got to talk the question out.
talk out of
öğrenmeye başla
to persuade someone not to do something; wyperswadować coś komuś. I can’t talk him out of quitting the job.
talk over
öğrenmeye başla
to discuss a matter at length; omówić coś (z kimś) I guess we have to talk it over.
talk round / talk around
öğrenmeye başla
to make someone change their opinion; namawiać, przekonywać, to avoid speaking about details of a subject discussed; “mówić naokoło”, nie dochodzić do sedna problemu, odbiegać od tematu. Fortunately, we managed to talk the others round, and they agreed to help us in the end.
tear off
öğrenmeye başla
odrywać; wyrywać się
tear off (1)
öğrenmeye başla
to get away quickly; wychodzić/ wyjeżdżać szybko. I've gotta tear off; call me tomorrow.
tear up
öğrenmeye başla
to rip up; podrzeć. She tore the letter up in anger.
tell apart
öğrenmeye başla
to find differences between two or more things or people; rozróżniać, odróżniać. I've known the twins for a year now and I still find it hard to tell them apart.
tell from
öğrenmeye başla
to recognise; to see a difference between; rozpoznawać (po); odróżniać (od). It's always been difficult to tell Peter from Paul, the twins are so similar!
tell on
öğrenmeye başla
to say something about someone who did something wrong; donieść (na kogoś) I'm sure she's going to tell on you.
tell over
öğrenmeye başla
to repeat a story; to count something again; powtórzyć; ponownie przeliczyć. I won't stand her telling the story over again.
thaw out
öğrenmeye başla
to get warm after getting cold; odmarzać, tajać. I've got to thaw out after the long walk in the cold.
think ahead
öğrenmeye başla
to think about the future; rozważać przyszłość, planować. She always thinks ahead a whole year ahead and is angry when something unforseen happens.
think back
öğrenmeye başla
to remember, to recall; przypominać sobie. Visiting this area will forever make me think back to my childhood.
think out
öğrenmeye başla
to consider something carefully; przemyśleć, obmyślać. I think we’ve thought out the best resolution possible.
think over
öğrenmeye başla
to consider; przemyśleć, rozważyć. I must think over the offer.
think through
öğrenmeye başla
to consider, to reconsider; przemyśleć, rozważyć. Let me know as soon as you think the issue through.
think to
öğrenmeye başla
to have an opinion about; myśleć (coś) o czymś lub o kimś; sądzić; mieć zdanie na jakiś temat. What do you think to her latest book?
think up
öğrenmeye başla
to have an idea; to make up; wymyślić, obmyślić; wpaść na pomysł. She's been trying to think up an excuse.
throw over
öğrenmeye başla
to leave, to quit; porzucać, rzucać. Mike still can't believe she threw him over.
thumb through
öğrenmeye başla
to turn pages quickly; kartkować (np. książkę). She thumbed the magazine through and finally found her photos.
toil away
öğrenmeye başla
to work very hard; mozolić się, harować. The people were toiling away all winter to survive.
top off
öğrenmeye başla
to finish sth completely; to make a final decision; zakończyć coś, zakończyć coś definitywnie; powziąć ostateczną decyzje. To top it off, let's make a deal.
top up
öğrenmeye başla
to fill, to make full again; uzupełniać, dolewać do pełna. Mike topped up the glasses with wine.
toss up
öğrenmeye başla
to throw a coin in order to make a decision; rzucać monetą. to waste something marnować coś. It seems we’ve got to toss up a coin to decise who’s going to enter first.
totter along
öğrenmeye başla
to walk weakly or unsteadily; pokuśtykać. He tottered along to the station.
touch down
öğrenmeye başla
to land n the ground; lądować. The plane touched down in the airport at eight sharp.
touch for
öğrenmeye başla
informal) to beg someone for money; żebrać, prosić o pożyczkę. I hope I can touch my parents for the money I need.
touch off
öğrenmeye başla
to move, to start; wywołać, poruszyć. The politician's decision touched off a wave of protests.
touch on
öğrenmeye başla
to mention; poruszać, napomykac. I'm going to touch on another aspect of the issue, but for the time being it's not relevant.
trace back
öğrenmeye başla
to get back to the beginning (of a story, events, etc.); prześledzić coś; wracać do początków. To understand the whole situation, we need to trace back the story again.
trace back
öğrenmeye başla
to get to know the origins; prześledzić coś wstecz (historię), odtwarzać (genealogię, historię). He spent a lot of time tracing back the family history.
track in
öğrenmeye başla
to bring mud, snow, etc. on ones shoes indoors; nanieść błota, zabłocić. They tracked in a lot of mud and I had to do the cleaning.
track up
öğrenmeye başla
to make the floor dirty by walking; zabrudzić podłogę (butami), zadeptać. The children have tracked up the floor all over the house.
try on
öğrenmeye başla
to put on a piece of clothes in order to check if it fits; przymierzać. Try this dress on, you'll look great in it.
try out
öğrenmeye başla
to try how sth works; próbować, wypróbowywać. Sheila can't wait to try out her new stereo.
tumble to
öğrenmeye başla
to understand something; zrozumieć, "załapać" Why can't you tumble to what I'm trying to tell you?
turn down
öğrenmeye başla
to make sth such as a machine, electronic device, etc. work slower, quieter, and so on; zmniejszać, redukować, ściszać, itp. Turn down the radio! I'm talking on the phone!
turn off
öğrenmeye başla
to switch off, to make an electric/electronic device stop working; wyłączać. Why did you turn off the box?
turn on
öğrenmeye başla
to switch on, to make (an electric/electronic device) work; włączać. Could you turn on the radio?
turn out
öğrenmeye başla
to prove (e.g. to be something); okazywać się. The alleged salesman turned out to be a common cheat!
turn up
öğrenmeye başla
to arrive, to appear; pojawiać się, zjawiać się, przybywać. She turned up out of the blue.
turn upside down
öğrenmeye başla
to turn (something / somebody) the "wrong" way up; odwrócić (coś, kogoś) do góry nogami. Don't turn the bag upside down.
tussle with something
öğrenmeye başla
to try to understand, solve or deal with an idea; zmagać się z (myślą, koncepcją itp.) She's been tussling with this idea for some time.
twiddle with
öğrenmeye başla
to aimlessly play with something, to fiddle with, to fidget with; bawić się czymś, majdrować przy czymś. Stop twiddling with your hair. It's so annoying!
twinkle with
öğrenmeye başla
to shine brightly because of small lights or because of a feeling; błyszczeć, być rozświetlonym, promienieć, jaśnieć (z radości itp.) His eyes twinkled with joy.
twist around
öğrenmeye başla
to make round, to make seem the opposite; zakręcać, kręcić; przekręcać. She's twisted my words around. I didn't mean it.
understand by
öğrenmeye başla
to infer from; to regard something as; rozumieć przez, wnioskować z. What do you actually understand by tolerance?
unfold before
öğrenmeye başla
to become gradually visible; stopniowo się pojawiać, ukazywac się (przed oczami), rozpościerać się (przed oczami). As we were approaching nearer, a surprising view unfolded before our eyes.
unfold to
öğrenmeye başla
to tell something that was a secret to someone; to reveal; rozwinąć, wyjawić, ujawnić, ukazać (coś, co było sekretem) komuś. They have finally decided to unfold their plans to the rest of the team.
unify into
öğrenmeye başla
to make particular parts become a whole; jednoczyć. After a long war, the particular peoples have unified into a nation.
unify with
öğrenmeye başla
to make particular parts of a whole match; unifikować z, ujednolicać z. Well, the layout of your work needs to be unified with the rest of the book.
unload on
öğrenmeye başla
to share worries with; to pass trouble or responsibility on someone else; zrzucać (ciężar) na kogoś innego. Remember you can always unloaud your worries on me.
upbraid for
öğrenmeye başla
to scold (someone) for doing something wrong; karcić (kogoś) za (coś). The teacher upbraided Mary for coming late again.
urge forward
öğrenmeye başla
to encourage; zachęcać, namawiać. She needs to be urged forward from time to time.
urge on
öğrenmeye başla
to encourage, to prompt; zachęcać, nakłaniać, dopingować. Helen's father urged her on, but it turned out unsuccessful.
urge on (2)
öğrenmeye başla
to make someone hurry up, to make someone move on; popędzać, poganiać. I had to urge my daughter on because it was late.
use up
öğrenmeye başla
to use till there's nothing left; to consume; zużywać, konsumować. They must have used up everything we had in stock.
vaccinate against
öğrenmeye başla
to prevent someone from catching a disease by giving them a small amount of the substance responsible for it; szczepić przeciw. My sister spent a fortune to get vaccinated against tropical diseases.
vacillate between
öğrenmeye başla
to hesitate, to be unable to make a choice; wahać się między. She vacillated between the two houses for too long, in the meantime both were sold.
value above
öğrenmeye başla
to regard something or someone as more precious or valuable than; cenić wyżej, cenić bardziej. He claimed that he valued his honour above money.
value for
öğrenmeye başla
to have a high opinion of something or someone because of some quality; cenić za. I value him for the clarity of his lectures.
vanish away
öğrenmeye başla
to disappear; znikać, zanikać. So you're telling me the money just vanished away!
vanish from
öğrenmeye başla
to disappear completely from a place; bezpowrotnie znikać z, ginąć (w danym miejscu) Certain species are vanishing from our forests.
vary in
öğrenmeye başla
to be different as far as a quality is concerned; różnić się (daną cechą) The rooms vary in standard.
venture out
öğrenmeye başla
to leave a building in unsuitable weather; wychodzić w złą pogodę, ośmielać się wyjść w niesprzyjających warunkach atmosferycznych. I wouldn't have ventured out hadn't it been necessary.
vie for
öğrenmeye başla
to compete for; rywalizować o (coś), współzawodniczyć o (coś) The two men soon begin to vie for her affection.
vie with
öğrenmeye başla
to compete with (someone); rywalizować z (kimś), współzawodniczyć z (kimś) Be careful, you're going to compete with an expert.
waffle on
öğrenmeye başla
to talk at length without saying much; lać wodę (pot.) He'd been waffling on for too long so we decided to leave.
waffle over
öğrenmeye başla
to consider and reconsider an issue, to hesitate, to be in two minds about sth; zastanawiać się nad czymś bardzo długo, wahać się, nie móc się zdecydować. Instead of waffling over this issue you should finally start acting.
wait in
öğrenmeye başla
To stay at home expecting someone to come; czekać na kogoś w domu, oczekiwać gościa. I spent all day yesterday waiting in for you! Couldn’t you call me and tell me you weren’t coming?
wake up
öğrenmeye başla
to make or become awake; obudzić; obudzić się. Wake up, darling, you have to go to school.
walk in on
öğrenmeye başla
to surprise someone; zaskoczyć kogoś. He just walked in on me!
walk off
öğrenmeye başla
to leave on foot; to get rid of something or reduce sth by walking; odejść pieszo; redukować coś chodząc (np. kilogramy), rozchodzić (ból) Try walking off the pain in the knee.
wash down
öğrenmeye başla
to swallow or eat quickly, to drink something in order to swallow food; przełknąć jedzenie; popijać jedzenie. He ate hurriedly, washing the food down with water.
watch out
öğrenmeye başla
to be careful, to be vigilant; uważać, być w pogotowiu. Watch out! There's a car in front of us!
watch out for
öğrenmeye başla
to be careful, to be trying to notice sth; uważać, wyglądać (czegoś lub kogoś), zauważać. Watch out for the next album by this band.
watch over
öğrenmeye başla
to look after, to take care of; czuwać, pilnować, opiekować się. His daughter has had a couple of bodyguards to watch over her.
water down
öğrenmeye başla
to add water to another liquid; to diminish an effect; rozcieńczyć, rozwodnić, osłabić (efekt). They must have watered down the beer! It tastes awful!
wear on
öğrenmeye başla
to go past very slowly (of a period of time); wlec się, ciągnąć się. As the month wore on, I was becoming less and less confident about my job.
wear through
öğrenmeye başla
to make a hole in an item of clothes by wearing it; przetrzeć, zrobic dziurę w noszonym ubraniu. Paul's trousers have been worn through.
while away
öğrenmeye başla
to spend time with pleasure; przyjemnie spędzać czas. She's whiling away at the seaside.
wind up
öğrenmeye başla
spoken, informal) to arrive at a certain place or to approach a stage of life, usually without one’s will to do so; skończyć gdzieś, skończyć jako. If you don’t change your ways, you’re gonna wind up all alone!
wink at (something)
öğrenmeye başla
to pretend not to see something wrong; przymykać na coś oko, udawać, że się czegoś nie dostrzega.Ms. Tooley seems to wink at her son’s behaviour.
wink away
öğrenmeye başla
to close and open one eye continuously; nieprzerwanie mrugać, mrugać przez dłuższy czas jednym okiem. The pain in the eye made me wink away all day.
wink back
öğrenmeye başla
to return a wink as a greeting; odmrugnąć (do kogoś). Sally winked back at Tim, who was really happy to see her.
winter over
öğrenmeye başla
to spend a winter somewhere (usually because you cannot leave the place); przezimować, spędzić zimę. During the expedition they had to winter over there, which was really hard because they were running out of supplies.
wipe away
öğrenmeye başla
to remove something such as dirt or traces with a piece of cloth, hand, etc.; ścierać, wycierać. I've been trying to wipe the smear away, but it's too sticky.
work against
öğrenmeye başla
to oppose something; to spoil something or cause failure; działać na niekorzyść. Remember that time is working against us.
work among
öğrenmeye başla
to work as a social worker with a particular group of people; pracować z / dla (określonej grupy). He's changed a lot since he started to work among addicted people.
work as
öğrenmeye başla
to perform duties of; pracować jako, wykonywać pracę. Mike used to work as a waiter here.
work at
öğrenmeye başla
to work in a particular place; to work in order to improve something; pracować w; pracować nad How long has Helen been working at Smiths?
work away
öğrenmeye başla
to work continuously; pracować przez długi okres czasu, pracować nieprzerwanie. I've been working away for too long now.
work on
öğrenmeye başla
to work continuously; pracować dalej, pracować bez przerwy. I'm going to work on until I've finished.
work out sth
öğrenmeye başla
to understand; to calculate; to think carefully in order to find a solution; rozumieć, obliczać, opracowywać. I failed to work out properly the total cost of the enterprise.
work over
öğrenmeye başla
to redo something; przerabiać, robić ponownie, opracować ponownie, zrobić na nowo She should work the report over.
work towards
öğrenmeye başla
to work with a clear aim to reach; pracować dla, pracować w celu, sierować wysiłki na. Chief politicians and party leaders have been working towards an agreement.
worry out
öğrenmeye başla
to get something by thinking (about a problem) or worrying; wymyślić; znaleźć rozwiązanie problemu, odpowiedź na dręczące pytanie. I have tried to worry out an answer to this problem, but I don’t think I can.
wriggle out of
öğrenmeye başla
to try to avoid doing something; wykręcać się (od czegoś), wymigiwać się. Whenever I ask you for help, you start wriggling out of it.
write down
öğrenmeye başla
to take notes, to note sth down; zapisywać. She's written everything down if you need details.
write up
öğrenmeye başla
to note sth, to copy sth in writng; zanotować, przepisywać. Have you written up the opening hours?
yammer for
öğrenmeye başla
to demand loudly, to clamour for; domagać się głośno. The people on strike yammered for a meeting with the management.
yap away
öğrenmeye başla
to make continuous noise, to keep barking; ujadać. Grandma complained about the dog next door. He's yapping away all day.
yell out
öğrenmeye başla
to shout, to scream; krzyczeć; wołać; wykrzyknąć, zakrzyknąć. They yelled out for help but could not be heard.
zip along
öğrenmeye başla
to move quickly (informal); pędzić, szybko się poruszać, mknąć, zasuwać (potoczne) The bike zipped along really quickly.

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