Unit 24, 25

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soru cevap
It am still waiting for the letter
öğrenmeye başla
Nadal czekam na list
Is he still there
öğrenmeye başla
Czy nadal tam jest?
Yes, he is still here
öğrenmeye başla
Tak, wciąż tu jest
No, he is not here anymore
öğrenmeye başla
Nie, go już tutaj nie ma
Im am still trying to solve this problem
öğrenmeye başla
Nadal próbuję rozwiązać ten problem
Agbes do not live here anymore
öğrenmeye başla
Agbes już tu nie mieszka
Are you still in town
öğrenmeye başla
Czy nadal jesteś w mieście?
He is still look for a girfriend
öğrenmeye başla
Wciąż szuka dziewczyny
Are you still looking for a flat. Not anymore
öğrenmeye başla
Nadal szukasz mieszkania. Nigdy więcej
He was still hungry when we left the restaurant
öğrenmeye başla
Wciąż był głodny, kiedy opuściliśmy restaurację
I eas not hungry anymore
öğrenmeye başla
Nie jestem już głodny
he is already seven years old
öğrenmeye başla
ma już siedem lat
Is am already late
öğrenmeye başla
Jest już późno
Are you already in the office. Not yet
öğrenmeye başla
Jesteś już w biurze. Jeszcze nie
Are you still in the office. Not anymore
öğrenmeye başla
Wciąż jesteś w biurze. Już nie
The painting is not finished yet
öğrenmeye başla
Obraz jeszcze się nie skończył
The presentation is not ready yet
öğrenmeye başla
Prezentacja nie jest jeszcze gotowa
When I arrived home last night, I was very tired
öğrenmeye başla
Kiedy wczoraj wróciłem do domu, byłem bardzo zmęczony
It is because my job is very tirng.
öğrenmeye başla
To dlatego, że moja praca jest bardzo trudna.
Are you interested in this school?
öğrenmeye başla
Czy jesteś zainteresowany tą szkołą?
This sounds very interesting. I will think about it and let you know.
öğrenmeye başla
Brzmi to bardzo interesująco. Pomyślę o tym i dam ci znać.
Im am bored. Let is do something
öğrenmeye başla
Jestem znudzony. Zróbmy coś
The film was very boring, so I left the cinema
öğrenmeye başla
Film był bardzo nudny, więc opuściłem kino
It he satisfied with the results
öğrenmeye başla
On był zadowolony z wyników
Yes, he is. The results are quite satisfying
öğrenmeye başla
Tak, jest. Wyniki są całkiem satysfakcjonujące
I was supposed, when I saw him at the station
öğrenmeye başla
Przypuszczam, kiedy zobaczyłem go na stacji
It is surprising how they managed to do it without a computer
öğrenmeye başla
Zaskakujące, jak udało im się to zrobić bez komputera
Now, we are going to do some relaxing exercises
öğrenmeye başla
Teraz zrobimy kilka relaksujących ćwiczeń
You will fell very relaxed when we finish
öğrenmeye başla
Będziesz bardzo zrelaksowany, kiedy skończymy
I was very disappointed when they told me that
öğrenmeye başla
Byłem bardzo rozczarowany, kiedy mi to powiedzieli
The food at the wedding reception was rather disappolnting
öğrenmeye başla
Jedzenie na weselu było raczej niezadowalające
This is one the most exciting didcoveries in recent years
öğrenmeye başla
To jedna z najbardziej ekscytujących odkrywców w ostatnich latach
The kids were excited about the birthday party
öğrenmeye başla
Dzieci były podekscytowane przyjęciem urodzinowym
Some people are rather embarrassed to talk about their problems
öğrenmeye başla
Niektórzy ludzie są raczej zawstydzeni rozmową o swoich problemach

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