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soru cevap
Rozgość się.
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Make yourself comfortable.
Usiądź obok mnie.
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Sit down BESIDE me.
Co chcesz żebym zrobiła? Czego chcesz ode mnie?
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What do you want me to do? /What do you want from me?
Dam ci radę.
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I'll give you some advice./ I'll give you A PIECE OF ADVICE.
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to have a rest
You should HAVE some rest.
Przyniosę to zaraz.
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I'll bring it RIGHT AWAY.
Zatrzymaj resztę (pieniędzy).
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Keep the change.
Mój Boże, czemu mnie opuściłeś.
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My God, why have you forsaken me?
Let's move the conversation to another time. That's it for today.
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Let's call it a day.
That sounds good.
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That's sounds like a plan.
Powodzenia na egzaminie.
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Good luck with your exam.
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To be excited to talk to...
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to be pumped to talk with sb
I'm so pumped to chat with you.
I understand perfectly what you mean about...
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I totally get what you mean about...
It appeals to me.
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It resonates with me.
It resonates with my soul.
propozycja tematu do rozmowy
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proposition FOR a topic
za kilka dni
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in a few days
Mam nadzieję,że nie jesteś znudzony tym tematem.
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I hope you aren't FEELING BORED WITH this topic.
niezależnie od...
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regardless of...
To wszystko z miłości do gotowania.
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IT'S ALL ABOUT love for cooking.
szczególnie odkąd
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especially since
mniej więcej
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more or less
That's more or less what I need.
Nie ma potrzeby.
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There's no need./ no need
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checkout/ cash register
kontaktować się
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to get in contact
I didn't get in contact for the past few days.
Chciałabym przeprosić Cię za to.
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I would like TO apologize TO you for this.
Jak się masz?
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How have you been?
Let's simplify.
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Let's keep things simple.
Czy możesz doprecyzować?
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Can you clarify?/ Could you clarify, please?
Na domiar złego.
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To make matters worse.
wrócić do formy
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get back into shape
My great-grandmother is getting back into shape.
Ona ma się dobrze.
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wybrać coś samemu
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choose something FOR YOURSELF
Rzecz niezbędna na campingu.
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A must-have item for camping.
Mam mało czasu.
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I'm running low on time.
Mam niewiele czasu.
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I'm running low on time.
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accesible (for disabled people)
surowo zakazane
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strictly forbidden
uronić łzę
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shed a tear
If someone need to do something else for a little while without ending call.
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to put someone ON HOLD
Wszyscy popełniamy błędy.
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We all make mistakes.
Nigdy nie spotkałem się z tą koncepcją.
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I have never come across this concept.
Bardzo Ci dziękuję
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Much obliged TO you
Czy możesz wskazać mi właściwy kierunek?
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Can you point me IN the right direction?
I'm interested in sports.
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I'm keen on sports.
want to do something
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to FANCY doing something.
Do you fancy going out tonight?
Najwyższy czas
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It's ABOUT time.
Rozważam to.
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I'm open to considering it.
To świetne podejście.
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That's a great attitude to have.

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