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Yaptığım fişler
Days of the week in Galician
Animals in Galician
Buildings in Galician
Fruit in Galician
Vegetables in Galician
Cereals in Galician
Family members in Galician
Jobs in Galician
Drinks in Galician
Numbers in Galician
Months and seasons in Galician
Furniture in Galician
Rooms in the house in Galician
Colours in Galician
Personality adjectives in Galician
Clothes in Galician
Languages in Galician
Countries in Galician
Parts of the body in Galician
Sports in Galician
Planets in Galician
Means of transport in Galician
Natural disasters in Galician
Continents in Galician
Trees in Galician
School equipment in Galician
Plants in Galician
Spices in Galician
School subjects in Galician
Weather in Galician
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Bunları kabul ediyorum:
gizlilik politikası