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O zamandan beri VocApp kullanıyorum1811günler. 140günler. Ben yazarım10kümeler. Beni en son gördüğün zaman2023-06-12 18:18:12.

İlgi alanlarım


Yaptığım fişler

1. Cechy ludzkiego ciała - Features of Human Body
10. The Cardiovascular System and Its Disorders - Układ sercowo-naczyniowy i jego zaburzenia
2. Anatomiczne pozycje - The Anatomical Position
Unit 6 - The Skeletal System - Szkielet
9. The Blood and its Disorders - Funkcje krwi
7. The Respiratory System - Układ Oddechowy
10 function of the skin and its diseases
test angol synonimy
test angol
the digestive system/układ pokarmowy

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