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wiktorboy wiktorboy

O zamandan beri VocApp kullanıyorum5070günler. 30günler. Ben yazarım11kümeler. Beni en son gördüğün zaman2012-08-31 07:31:19.

İlgi alanlarım

angielski, niemiecki

Yaptığım fişler

describing people idioms
describing people idioms
idioms connected with people
idioms connected with people
zwierzęta rózne
zwierzęta rózne
moods, stated and feelings
moods, stated and feelings
describin things idioms
describin things idioms
phrasal verbs and preposition
phrasal verbs and preposition
adjective + noun combinations 1
adjective + noun combinations 1
travelling words
travelling words
describing people
describing people
parts of the body
parts of the body
ausblick 1 rozdział 1
ausblick 1 rozdział 1

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