0 insanlar bunu sever. Polub!

guest2334922 guest2334922

O zamandan beri VocApp kullanıyorum1368günler. 10günler. Ben yazarım19kümeler. Beni en son gördüğün zaman2021-04-27 07:24:50.

İlgi alanlarım

İngilizce, İspanyolca

Yaptığım fişler

0. Industry Groups and sectors
0. Type of business and management structure
0. Economic cycles
0. Breakeven analysis
0. CVs and recruitment
1. The education business
1. Education and career
1. Glossary
2. IT solutions
2. Information systems and communication
2. Writting
2. Meteor Bank
3. What quality means
Quality and standards
3. Presentation
3. Quality problems
8. Fair trade
Contracts and corporate ethics
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