0 insanlar bunu sever. Polub!

guest2835113 guest2835113

O zamandan beri VocApp kullanıyorum789günler. 40günler. Ben yazarım8kümeler. Beni en son gördüğün zaman2023-10-17 19:54:01.

Yaptığım fişler

Rep. Dział 2 Describing a house
Rep. Dział 2 Buying, selling and renting a property
Rep. Dział 2 Chores and household jobs
Rep. Dział 2 Moving house
Rep. Dział 2 Architecture
Rep. Dział 2 Wordpower
Rep. Dział 2 Accomodation
Rep. Dział 2 Idioms with high and low

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