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radek19941 radek19941

O zamandan beri VocApp kullanıyorum805günler. 36210günler. Ben yazarım177kümeler. Beni en son gördüğün zaman2025-03-27 15:23:09.

İlgi alanlarım


Yaptığım fişler

Moja lekcja
Słow. - Describing People
Słow. - Czasowniki modalne 3
Słow. - Inne 2
Słow. - Słowa wieloznaczne
Słow. - If at first you don't success
Słow. - Szkoła
Słow. - Słowa wieloznaczne 2
Słow. - Tryby warunkowe
Słow. - Domy
Słow. - Getting personal
Słow. - Słowa wieloznaczne 3
Słow. - Usually and used to
Słow. - Still friends?
Słow. - A visit from a pop star
Słow. - Elton John
Słow. - Quantifiers
Słow. - slow down, you move too fast
Słow. - Noun formation
Słow. - countable and uncountable nouns
Słow. - Articles
Słow. - How gossip has made us human
Słow. - Articles 2
Słow. - Articles 3
Słow. - Same planet, different worlds
Słow. - Sk8er Boi
Słow. - Job swap
Słow. - Gerunds
Słow. - to infinitives
Słow. - bare infinitives
Słow. - Houses and homes
Słow. - The living room
Słow. - The kitchen
Słow. - The beedroom and bathroom
Słow. - Jobs around the house
Słow. - Problems around the house
Słow. - Jobs
Słow. - Employment
Słow. - Working life
Słow. - In the office
Słow. - Business
Słow. - School
Słow. - Further education
Słow. - Learning a language
Słow. - Both, neither, all, none
Słow. - Prepositions of Time
Słow. - Prepositions of Place
Słow. - Prepositions of Movement
Słow. - meat, fish and groceries
Słow. - fruit and vegetables
Słow. - talking about food
Słow. - Cooking
Słow. - Eating out
Słow. - Drinks
Słow - Meetings
Słow. - Formal letters and a CV
Słow. - Inne 3
Słow. - Shopping
Słow. - direct speech and reported speech
Słow. - Money
Słow. - Rich and poor
Słow. - At the bank
Słow. - Shops and shopping
Słow. - Love in supermarket
Słow. - The passive
Słow. - Cinema
Słow. - Age
Słow. - States of life
Słow. - Babies and children
Słow. - Death
Słow. - Family
Słow. - Friends
Słow. - Love and romance
Słow. - Marriage
Słow. - See the film... get on a plane
Słow. - relative clauses
Słow. - Pronunciation -ed
Słow. - I need a hero
Słow. - Which definition is right?
Słow. - Breaking news
Słow. - Time
Słow. - Numbers
Słow. - Can we make our own luck?
Słow. - Keanu Reeves
Słow. - Enjoy the silence
Słow. - Song "Ironic"
Słow. - Murder mysteries
Słow. - Question tags and Indirect questions
Słow. - Song "Bad Habits" by Ed Sheeran
Słow. - Nounformation set 1
Słow. - Nounformation set 2
Słow. - Nounformation set 3
Słow. - Nounformation set 4
Słow. - Nounformation set 5
Słow. - Nounformation set 6
Słow. - Nounformation set 7
Słow. - Nounformation set 8
Słow. - Nounformation set 9
Słow. - Nounformation set 10
Słow. - Preposition 1
Słow. - phrasal verbs 1
Słow. - Viewing habits in the UK
Słow. - Hitchcock's Crappy Sense of Humour
Słow. - Millennials are ready for a Four-Day Week
Słówka - krótkie i długie 'i'
Słow. - How Ozzy Osbourne Ate His Way to Fame
Słow. - The Mystery of Einstein's Tongue
Słow. - I'm from the World's Happiest Country
Słow. - phrasal verbs 2
Słow. - Inne 4
Słow. - Inne 5
Słow. - Special occasions
Słow. - Television
Słow. - Newspapers
Słow. - Advertising
Słow. - Telephones
Słow. - Machines and equipment
Słow. - Cut Out to Be a Star
Słow. - Song Never going home
Słow. - Apologizing
Słow. - phrasal verbs 3
Słow. - The Buy Nothing movement
Słow. - Fifty Shades of Margaret Thatcher
Słow. - Modern-day slavery
Słow. - Chaplin Says 'I'm Sorry'
Wym. - Sounds and spelling Vowels 2
Wym. - Sounds and spelling Consonants 2
Słow. - Santa Claus is real
Słow. - Like a Diva
Słow. - Speed dating
Słow. - Fake or fir
Słow. - Creating a study group
Słow. - Design a presentation
Słow. - Christmas
Słow. - The Byronic Bob Dylan
Słow. - Jane Austen's Royal Rumble
Słow. - Hartred in Hollywood
Słow. - Mrs. Claus
Słow. - Eco-friendly gift-wrapping ideas
Słow. - Last Christmas
Słow. - Carnival
Słow. - Lunar New Year
Słow. - New Year celebrations
Słow. - Michelle's Sweetheart
Słow. - Long Justin Trudeau
Słow. - Word of the year
Słow. - Love me, love me not
Słow. - The Naughty Anne Hataway
Słow. - Chinese Zodiac Sings
Słow. - Solution for the shy romantic
Słow. - Personality
Słow. - Valentine's Days
Słow. - Elon's Rocket
Słow. - Do you believe it?
Słow. - Birthday parties
Słow. - Mixed conditionals
Słow. - British and American Holidays
Słow. - When opposites meet
Słow. - When a boy meets a girl
Słow. - Sober Curious
Słow. - Washington's Army
Słow. - Trouble with election
Słow. - Master of small talk
Słow. - Social media influencers
Słow. - All my happy friends
Słow. - How these women changed science forever
Słow. - The oral fixation
Słow. - True Beauty
Słow. - Instant messages
Słow. - The museum of your ex's belongings
Słow. - You're the doctor!
Słow. - You gotta be
Słow. - We are Generation Equality
Słow. - The criticism of Bernard Shaw
Słow. - Saint Patric's Day
Słow. - You're the doctor! 2
Słow. - phrasal verbs 4

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