0 insanlar bunu sever. Polub!

paulinagigowska paulinagigowska

O zamandan beri VocApp kullanıyorum2603günler. 40günler. Ben yazarım18kümeler. Beni en son gördüğün zaman2023-01-01 12:06:02.

İlgi alanlarım

angielski, İngilizce

Yaptığım fişler

U1 - Living with computers
U2 - A typical PC
U3 - Types of computer systems
U11 - Operating systems and the GUI
U12 - Word processing features
U13 - Spreadsheets and databases
U15 - Multimedia
U28 - Online banking
U23 - The World Wide Web
U30 - Robots, androids, AI
U14 - Graphics and design
U17 - Programming
U18 - Computers and work
U24 - Web design
U26 - Internet security
U20 - Networks
U29 - Mobile phones

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