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See Sir swoon as you explain how Sigurd was killed... öğrenmeye başla
Podívejte se na pana Omdlíta, jakmile budete vysvětlovat, jak byl Sigurd zabit...
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two battles in one week - I am pooped öğrenmeye başla
dvě bitvy za týden - jsem hotovej
navigation will be by means of a plumb-line öğrenmeye başla
navigace bude prováděna pomocí olovnice
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for example where the poor old giant bashes his brains on the ground öğrenmeye başla
například když chudý starý obří zaklepává mozek na zem
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Or Red Riding Hood where the wolf gobbles granny before she pops out again when The Woodcutter lops its head off öğrenmeye başla
Nebo Červená Karkulka, kde vlk zhltne babičku, než se znovu objeví, když dřevorubec uřízne hlavou
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all she wanted to do was eat the grotty little boy who had been chomping her chocolate and nibbling her nougat öğrenmeye başla
jediné, co chtěla udělat, bylo sníst toho malého chlapce, který jí sekal čokoládu a okusoval její nugát
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"why should I?", the god Thor grumbled öğrenmeye başla
„Proč bych měl?“ zabručel bůh Thor
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so the dastardly dwarves carried out their plot öğrenmeye başla
tak příšerní trpaslíci uskutečnili svůj plán
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"and that's the end of him" he chuckled öğrenmeye başla
„A to je jeho konec,“ zasmál se
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"perhaps she will buzz off home", the devious dwarf muttered öğrenmeye başla
možná odtáhne domů, zamumlal zlý trpaslík
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the giant tears fell on the floor and sloshed around the cave öğrenmeye başla
Obří slzy padly na podlahu a propadaly se kolem jeskyně
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Gallar hurried to obey and Fjallar spoke to sniveling widow Gilling öğrenmeye başla
Gallar spěchal, aby poslouchal, a Fjallar promluvil k vrčení vdovy Gilling
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such was his cheek that he once wagered his head in a bet with Brokk the dwarf öğrenmeye başla
jeho tvář byla taková, že kdysi vsadil hlavu ve sázce s Brokkem trpaslíkem
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the victim's intestines were attached to an oak tree and the victim led around the three as the intestines unwound öğrenmeye başla
střeva oběti byla připevněna k dubu a oběť vedla kolem tří, jak se střeva odvíjí
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the Viking ships are admired for their low sleek look öğrenmeye başla
Vikingské lodě jsou obdivovány nízkým elegantním vzhledem
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there were deep notches in the gunwale of the ship öğrenmeye başla
Na kraji lodi byly Hluboké zářezy
So he pared the sides until the notches disappeared. öğrenmeye başla
Takže rozdělil strany, dokud zářezy nezmizely.
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but usually the sailors went ashore and snuggled into their leather sleeping bags öğrenmeye başla
ale námořníci obvykle šli na břeh a přitulili se do kožených spacáků
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tumbling towers and find roofs öğrenmeye başla
omílání věží a najít střechy
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Queen Gunnhild looked icicles at the humble man and her voice grated: who is it? speak up! öğrenmeye başla
Královna Gunnhilda se podívala na rampouchy na skromného muže a její hlas se nabral: kdo je to? mluvit nahlas!
the doors of the royal Hall in York opened and a breathless servant scuttled in öğrenmeye başla
dveře královské síně v Yorku se otevřely a vnikl do ní služebník bez dechu
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no your highness, the simpering servant snivelled öğrenmeye başla
žádná tvá výsosti, rozcuchaný sluha se rozcuchal
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the queen glared at her husband öğrenmeye başla
královna zírala na jejího manžela
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it is a punishment for your evil Deeds, the queen said smugly öğrenmeye başla
je to trest za vaše zlé skutky, řekla královna samolibě
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in a silo teeming with toads öğrenmeye başla
v silu hemžícím se ropuchy
kill him, gunnhil groaned öğrenmeye başla
zabijte ho, zasténal Gunnhil
kill him, gunnhilde shrilled öğrenmeye başla
zabijte ho, zavrčel gunnhilde
Hawks were hovering at the kill öğrenmeye başla
Na zabití se vznášeli Hawks
Bodies, skewered, lay there sleepy öğrenmeye başla
Těla, špejle, ležela tam ospale
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Alfred showed big brother Athelred how to give the Danes a drubbing öğrenmeye başla
Alfred ukázal velkému bratrovi Athelredovi, jak dát dánům nakládačku
the bloody battle raged around A single stunted thorn bush öğrenmeye başla
krvavá bitva zuřila kolem Jediného zakrslého trnového keře
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the Norwegian ninny thought the Saxons were down in London öğrenmeye başla
norští pitomci si mysleli že sasové jsou dole v Londýně
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to keep out the cold the Vikings lived in the houses built of turf öğrenmeye başla
aby nedocházelo na chlad, žili Vikingové v domech postavených z trávníku
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to really freshen up you'd whip yourself with twigs öğrenmeye başla
abych se opravdu osvěžil, mohl byste se bičovat větvičkami
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in Iceland today a viking descendant describes the national sports as gannet-egg-gathering and Puffin hunting öğrenmeye başla
na Islandu dnes vikingský potomek popisuje národní sporty jako sbírání vajec a lov papuchalků
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I put the down to shoddy Bridge Building öğrenmeye başla
Položil jsem dolů do ošuntělé Bridge Building
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nothing wasted goose feathers were also used for bedding and quilts öğrenmeye başla
nic zbytečného husího peří nebylo také použito na ložní prádlo a deky
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yes, once the poor family Nag was past it - chop öğrenmeye başla
ano, jakmile to chudá rodina Nag prošla kolem - sekejte
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a trickle could soon become a tidal wave if the horn was tipped too far öğrenmeye başla
pramínek by se mohl brzy stát přílivovou vlnou, pokud by byl roh nakloněn příliš daleko
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the Vikings used to eat whale meat and blubber öğrenmeye başla
Vikingové jedli velrybí maso a tuk
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he then flung his spear at Edric öğrenmeye başla
pak hodil oštěpem po Edrica
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and Mum went on to tell me about how to serve and clean and curtsey öğrenmeye başla
a maminka mi pokračovala, aby mi vyprávěla o tom, jak sloužit a čistit a stroskotat
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dirty hair over a low forehead and scowl that could kill a cat öğrenmeye başla
špinavé vlasy přes nízké čelo a zamračení, které mohlo zabít kočku
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then a man behind me growled öğrenmeye başla
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starve until noon take a hot bath then drink treacle in hot water öğrenmeye başla
hladovět až do poledne se horkou lázní, pak vypít melasu v horké vodě
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they had sailed in a boat made of wickerwork and stretched skins and had no food no oars and no steering plank öğrenmeye başla
plavili se v člunu vyrobeném z proutí a napnutých kůží a neměli jídlo, vesla ani řídící prkno
baby Ethelred had a pee in the font öğrenmeye başla
dítě Ethelred měla čůrat v písmu
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down to begging on streets what a plight öğrenmeye başla
dolů k žebrání na ulicích, což je situace
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who was that minstrel snooping around? öğrenmeye başla
Kdo byl ten pěvec který slídil okolo
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but sundials don't work on cloudy days öğrenmeye başla
ale sluneční hodiny nefungují v zatažené dny
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but in the draughty churches the candles blew out öğrenmeye başla
ale v zchátralých kostelech vyhořely svíčky
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the Archbishop of Canterbury made a copy of Asser's book and slipped the story of the burning cakes in öğrenmeye başla
arcibiskup z Canterbury vytvořil kopii Asserovy knihy a vsunul příběh hořících koláčů
Getting drunk is a daft idea. öğrenmeye başla
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but if there is still a scald, then you are guilty and you will be punished öğrenmeye başla
ale pokud bude stále opaření, budete vinni a budete potrestáni
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Bjarni snarled and stamped off over the muddy field öğrenmeye başla
Bjarni zavrčel a srazil se na blátivé pole
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his wife scowled at him with a look like a poisoned polar bear öğrenmeye başla
jeho žena se na něj zamračila pohledem jako otrávený lední medvěd
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Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals öğrenmeye başla
Královská společnost pro prevenci týrání zvířat
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grubby kids with freckles don't look so mucky as those with plain faces öğrenmeye başla
špinavé děti s pihy nevypadají tak špinavě jako ty s rovnými tvářemi
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reindeer with scabs give rotten meat to stew at Saturday suppers öğrenmeye başla
sobí se strupami dávají shnilé maso dušené v sobotu večeře
a score of scowling Scarecrows will scare scamps öğrenmeye başla
dvacítka zamračených strašáků vyděsí uličníky
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those who die meekly will receive no glittering crown in heaven öğrenmeye başla
ti, kdo pokorně zemřou, nedostanou v nebi žádnou třpytivou korunu
walk awkwardly and cruel people will scream and call you lame öğrenmeye başla
chodit trapně a krutí lidé budou křičet a volat vás chromým
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Macbeth won fair and square öğrenmeye başla
Macbeth vyhrál spravedlivý a čtvercový