soru |
cevap |
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
When it comes to our responsibilities, we have the right to stop working when we see some hazard near our workplace. öğrenmeye başla
Jeśli chodzi o nasze obowiązki, mamy prawo przestać pracować, gdy widzimy jakieś zagrożenie w pobliżu naszego miejsca pracy.
If the hazard increases / grows / rises, the employee should react. öğrenmeye başla
Jeśli zagrożenie wzrasta, pracownik powinien zareagować.
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If the hazard escalates, the employee should take action. öğrenmeye başla
Jeśli zagrożenie eskaluje, pracownik powinien podjąć działania.
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I will take a look at the next slide. öğrenmeye başla
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the rehabilitant told me about it öğrenmeye başla
rehabilitant mi o tym powiedział
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in this section of the spine / in this part of the spine öğrenmeye başla
na tym odcinku kręgosłupa
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supply cables / power cables öğrenmeye başla
the person with proper permission will fix this device öğrenmeye başla
osoba z odpowiednimi uprawnieniami naprawi to urządzenie
we should keep our workplace in order öğrenmeye başla
powinniśmy utrzymywać porządek w miejscu pracy
öğrenmeye başla
raise awareness among our employees about something öğrenmeye başla
podnosić świadomość wśród naszych pracowników na temat czegoś
make our employees more aware of something öğrenmeye başla
zwiększać świadomość naszych pracowników na temat czegoś
sensitize our employees to something öğrenmeye başla
uwrażliwiać naszych pracowników na coś
öğrenmeye başla
every second stair / step öğrenmeye başla
co drugi schodek / stopień
go along / down the corridor öğrenmeye başla
iść wzdłuż / w dół korytarza
corridor intersection, corridor junction, crossing of corridor öğrenmeye başla
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she was carrying hot coffee öğrenmeye başla
she bumped into a colleague öğrenmeye başla
It was nice running into you. öğrenmeye başla
she spilled the coffee on herself öğrenmeye başla
when we perform professional duties öğrenmeye başla
kiedy wykonujemy obowiązki zawodowe
when we carry out work-related tasks öğrenmeye başla
kiedy wykonujemy zadania związane z pracą
öğrenmeye başla
drop a device from the desk while walking by / accidentally push a device off the desk as we walk past öğrenmeye başla
zrzucić urządzenie z biurka przechodząc obok / przypadkowo zepchnąć urządzenie z biurka przechodząc obok
knock a device off the desk while walking by öğrenmeye başla
zrzucić urządzenie z biurka przechodząc obok
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the cable was hanging down from the fridge / the cable dangled from the refrigerator öğrenmeye başla
supply cable / power cable öğrenmeye başla
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turn something off from the power supply öğrenmeye başla
odłączyć coś od zasilania
boiling water from the kettle spilled on him öğrenmeye başla
wrząca woda z czajnika wylała się na niego
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tydzień zwolnienia lekarskiego
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He sustained a fracture in his thoracic vertebra. öğrenmeye başla
Doznał złamania w odcinku piersiowym kręgosłupa.
This is how it should look properly. öğrenmeye başla
Tak to powinno wyglądać poprawnie.
This is the correct way it should appear. öğrenmeye başla
To jest poprawny sposób, w jaki to powinno wyglądać.
If you are distracted / unfocused, such accidents occur. öğrenmeye başla
Jeśli jesteś zdekoncentrowany, takie wypadki się zdarzają.
We should pay attention to the details. öğrenmeye başla
Powinniśmy zwracać uwagę na szczegóły.
öğrenmeye başla
Jak już wcześniej powiedziałem,...