Was wasn't

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Tam było
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There was. There was. There was
Tam było drzewo.
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There was a tree there. There was a tree there. There was a tree there.
Kto był w pokoju?
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Who was in the room? Who was in the room? Who was in the room? Who was in the room?
Jim był w pokoju.
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Jim was in the room. Jim was in the room. Jim. was.in. the. room. Jim was in the room.
Czy byłeś wczoraj w domu.
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Were you at home yesterday. Were you at home yesterday. Were you at home yesterday. Were. you.at. home. yesterday.
Mój kolega był wczoraj w biurze.
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My friend was at the office yesterday. My friend. was.at. the. office. yesterday.
Mój kolega był wczoraj w biurze.
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My friend was. at the office yesterday.
w biurze.
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in the office. in the office. in the. office.
czy były jakieś samochody w przeszłości?
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were there any cars in the past? were. there. any. cars in the past?
czy były jakieś samochody w przeszłości?
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were. there. any. cars in the past? were. there. any. cars in the past?
w przeszłości
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in the past. in the past. in the past. in the past.
w 20tym wieku.
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in the 20th century. in the 20th century. in the 20th century. in the 20th century.
w 19tym wieku.
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in the 19th century. in the 19th century. in the 19th century. in the 19th century.
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nineteenth. nineteenth. nineteenth. nineteenth.
w 21szym wieku.
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in the 21st century. in the 21st century. in the 21st century. in the 21st century.
kiedy byłem młody
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When I was young. When I was young. When I was young. When I was young.
kiedy byłem chłopcem.
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when i was a boy. when i was a boy. when. i was. a boy. when. i was. a boy.
kiedy byłem dzieckiem.
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when I was a child. when. I was a child. when I was a child.
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child. child. child. child. child.
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children. children. children. children.
nie było żadnych samochodów, kiedy byłem dzieckiem.
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There weren't any cars when I was a child. There weren't any cars when I was a child. There. weren't. any. cars. when. I was. a child.
jak to było śpiewać na scenie.
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what was it like to sing on the stage. what was it like to sing on the stage. what. was. it like.to. sing.on. the stage.
na scenie.
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on the stage. on the stage. on the stage.
byłam bardzo szczęśliwa wtedy.
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I was very happy then. I was very happy then. I was very happy. then. I was. very happy. then.
byłam bardzo szczęśliwa kiedy byłam dzieckiem.
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I was very happy when I was a child. I was very happy when I was a child. I was very happy when I was a child. I was. very. happy. when. I was. a. child.
byłam bardzo szczęśliwa kiedy byłam dzieckiem.
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I was very happy when I was a child. I was. very. happy. when. I was. a. child.
mój ojciec był listonoszem.
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my father was a postman. my father was a. postman. my father. was a postman.
kim był twój ojciec?
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who was your father. who was your father. who was your father. who. was. your. father.
czy twój ojciec był kucharzem?
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was your father a cook. was your. father a cook. was. your. father. a cook
moja mama była dyrektorem (w szkole)
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my mother was the headmistress. my mother was the headmistress. my mother. was the headmistress.
kim była twoja mama?
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who was your mom. who was your mom. who was your mom.
Jaką profesję miała twoja babcia?
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What was. your. grandmother's. profession? What was your grandmother's profession? What was. your. grandmother's. profession?
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profession. profession. profession. profession.
czy lubisz swój zawód.
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do you like your profession. do you like your profession. do you like your profession.do. you. like. your. profession.
czy Bill był w wojsku?
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was Bill in the army? was Bill in the army? was Bill in. the. army. was. Bill.in. the army?
gdzie był Bill.
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where was Bill. where was Bill. where was Bill. where was Bill.
czy rano było dużo jedzenia?
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was there a lot of food in the morning? was there a lot of food in the morning? was. there. a lot. of food. in the morning? was. there. a lot.of. food.in. the. morning?
przerażony. przestraszony
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frightened. frightened. frightened. frightened.
Oni byli przerażeni.
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They were frightened. They were. frightened. They. were. frightened.
kto był przerażony?
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who was frightened. who. was. frightened. who was frightened. who. was. frightened.
W Londynie było niebezpiecznie.
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It was dangerous in London.It. was. dangerous. in London. It was dangerous in London.
Gdzie była twoja żona?
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Where was your wife? Where was your wife? Where was. your. wife? Where. was. your wife?
Czy twoja żona była po południu w domu?
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Was your. wife home.in. the. afternoon? Was your wife home in the afternoon? Was your wife. home in the afternoon?
Oni nie byli zainteresowani tym.
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They weren't interested in it. They. weren't. interested.in. it. They were not. interested in it.
Oni nie byli zainteresowani pojechaniem w góry.
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They were not. interested.in. going. to the mountains. They were not. interested.in. going. to the mountains. They were not. interested.in. going. to the mountains. They were not. interested.in. going. to the mountains.
nie bałem się.
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I was not afraid. I was. not. afraid. I was not afraid. I was not afraid. I was not afraid.
nie bałem się skoku na bungee.
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I was not afraid of bungee jumping. I was not afraid.of. bungee jumping.
nie bałam się. ciebie.
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I was. not. afraid.of. you. I was. not. afraid.of. you. I was. not. afraid.of. you. I was. not. afraid.of. you.
czy wczoraj byłeś w Warszawie.
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were you in Warsaw yesterday. were. you.in. Warsaw. yesterday. were you in Warsaw yesterday. were you in Warsaw yesterday.
Gdzie byliście w zeszłym tygodniu.
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Where were you last week. Where were you last week. Where were you last week. Where. were. you. last. week.
Czy byliście w parku w sobotę?
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Were you in the park on Saturday? Were you in the park on Saturday? Were you. in the park on Saturday?
Gdzie ona wczoraj była.
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Where was she yesterday. Where. was. she. yesterday.
Ona była w pracy w ostatni wtorek.
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She was at work last Tuesday. She was at work last Tuesday. She was at work last Tuesday. She was at work last Tuesday. She. was.at. work. last. Tuesday.
czy on był zmęczony po pracy.
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was he tired after work. was he tired after work. was he tired after. work. was he. tired. after. work.
deszcz nie padał wieczorem.
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it did not rain in the evening. it did not rain in the evening.
czy wczoraj spadł deszcz?
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did it rain yesterday. did it rain yesterday. did it. rain. yesterday. did.it. rain. yesterday.
czy było wietrznie 4 dni temu?
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was it windy 4 days ago? was it windy 4. days. ago? was it windy 4 days ago?
Wczoraj nie było wietrznie.
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It wasn't windy yesterday. It wasn't windy yesterday. It was. not. windy. yesterday.
byłam głodna rano.
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I was hungry in the. morning. I was hungry in the. morning. I was hungry in the. morning.
czy byleś głodny 2 godziny temu?
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were you hungry 2 hours ago? were you hungry 2 hours ago? were. you. hungry. 2. hours. ago?
On był pomocny.
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He was helpful. He was helpful.
On był bardzo pomocny.
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He was very helpful. He was very helpful.He. was. very. helpful.
czy on był bardzo pomocny?
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was he very helpful? was he very helpful? was.he. very. helpful?
ja byłem.
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I was. I was. I was. I was.
byłem policjantem.
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I was a policeman. I was a policeman. I was a policeman.
ty byłeś.
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you were. you were. you were. you were.
czy ty byłeś?
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were you? were you? were you?
czy ty byłeś miły?
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were you nice were you nice. were you nice
on był / ona była / ono było
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he was / she was / it was
on był / ona była / ono było
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he was / she was / it was
to było trudne.
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It was difficult. It was difficult. It was difficult. It was difficult.
ona była wysoka, kiedy była dzieckiem.
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she was tall when she was a child. she was. tall. when. she. was a child. she was tall when she was a child.
czy ona była szczęśliwa?
öğrenmeye başla
was she happy. was she happy. was she happy.
on nie był smutny.
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he wasn't sad. he was not. sad. he wasn't sad.
my byliśmy.
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we were. we were. we were.
my byliśmy studentami w 1990 roku.
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we were students in 1990. we were students in 1990. we. were. students. in 1990.
my nie byliśmy studentami w 2020 roku.
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we were not students in 2020. we were not students in 2020. we. were. not. students in 2020.
wy byliście na przyjęciu w zeszłym tygodniu.
öğrenmeye başla
you were at the party last week. you were at the party last week. you. were. at the. party last week.
czy wy byliście na przyjęciu w ostatnim tygodniu?
öğrenmeye başla
were you at the party last week? were. you at. the. party. last week?
wy nie byliście na moim urodzinowym przyjęciu.
öğrenmeye başla
you weren't at.my. birthday. party. you weren't at.my. birthday. party. you weren't at.my. birthday. party.
oni byli. one były.
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they were. They were. they were. They were.
one były z nami.
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they were with us. they were with us. they were with us.
czy one były z nami.
öğrenmeye başla
were they with us. were they with us. were they with us. were. they. with.us.
oni nie byli z nami wczoraj.
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they weren't with us yesterday. they weren't with us yesterday. they. were. not. with. us yesterday.
na przyjęciu.
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at the party. at the party. at the party. at the party.
być. na przyjęciu.
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be. at the party.be. at the party.
jestem na przyjęciu.
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I'm at the party. I am at the party. I'm at the party.
Iść na przyjęcie.
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Go to a party. Go to a party. Go to a party. Go to a party.
iść do. (przemieścić się z miejsca A do miejsca B)
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go to. go to. go to. go to.
iść do parku.
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to go to the park. to go to the park.
iść do sklepu.
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go to the shop. go to the shop. go to the shop.
Zwykle idę do sklepu w piątek.
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I usually go to the store on Friday. I usually go to the store on Friday. I usually.go. to. the. store. on Friday.
jechać do Warszawy.
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go to Warsaw. go to Warsaw. go to Warsaw.
Wczoraj pojechałem do Londynu.
öğrenmeye başla
Yesterday I went to London. Yesterday I went to London. Yesterday. I went.to. London.

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