Wiosna 2023

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soru cevap
przypuszczać, zakładać / przypuszczenie, założenie
öğrenmeye başla
assume / assumption
Don't assume that she doesn't like you; ask her. Don't ever assume anything. You hurt his feelings with your mistaken assumptions
krótki, krótkotrwały x3
öğrenmeye başla
brief, fleeting, short-lived
Leave me a brief message before you go out, I gave a brief speech.
zajmować się, podejmować, angażować kogoś
öğrenmeye başla
I don't want to engage in politics.
uczestniczyć (aktywnie), brać udział oficjalnie
öğrenmeye başla
Did you participate in the competition?
zamęt, bałagan x3 / zmieszany, otumaniony, mętny, niejasny
öğrenmeye başla
muddle, fuss, disarray/ muddled
I hate all this muddle - I'll have to tidy it up.
porywający, wciągający (np. film, książka) x3
öğrenmeye başla
gripping, absorbing, immersive
The book was so gripping that I just couldn't put it down.
zdumiewający, szokujący, oszałamiający synonimy: astounding, astonishing / zdumiewająco
öğrenmeye başla
staggering / staggeringly
The financial impact on the town was staggering.
przerażający, okropny (np. o warunkach gdzieś) /.../ pociągający, kuszący
öğrenmeye başla
appalling /.../ appealing
The conditions in the prison were appalling./// That quality in him made him appealing.
hojny / hojny dla kogoś
öğrenmeye başla
generous / generous to someone
kompetentny, sprawny
öğrenmeye başla
capable / capable of sth
He is capable, so we hired him. Sarah isn't capable of cooking a meal for everybody
być beznadziejnym w czymś, być w czymś beznadziejnym
öğrenmeye başla
be hopeless at something
My parents are hopeless at art but my sister and I are both artists now.
dobrze znać się na czymś, mieć dużą wiedzę na jakiś temat
öğrenmeye başla
be knowledgeable about something
Philip has lived in Finland and he is very knowledgeable about the country's history
być w czymś skutecznym
öğrenmeye başla
be efficient at something
Paul is very efficient at making travel arrangements
świadomy czegoś / być w pełni świadomy tego / uświadomić sobie, zdać sobie sprawę
öğrenmeye başla
aware of something / be fully aware of it / become aware
I'm well aware of it.
öğrenmeye başla
jeniec / zakładnik
öğrenmeye başla
zacząć coś robić
öğrenmeye başla
go ahead with something
zapewniać / niepewny czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
to assure / unsure
powrót do czegoś (oficjalnie)
öğrenmeye başla
reversion to something
znakomity np. pomysł, genialny np. plan
öğrenmeye başla
splendid weather. She is a splendid painter. I think a party is a splendid idea! You have a splendid opportunity to do something different and original.
paść ofiarą czegoś x3
öğrenmeye başla
be prey to sth, fall prey to sth, fall victim to sth
She was prey to sexual abuse during her childhood
monotonny, nudny x2
öğrenmeye başla
humdrum, tedious
Their lives were, and are, humdrum. a humdrum job. Going to night school might improve your chances of getting out of that humdrum job
umiarkowany, średni / umiarkowany klimat
öğrenmeye başla
moderate / temperate, mild
stanąć na wysokości zadania, dać z siebie wszystko
öğrenmeye başla
step up to the plate
It’s time they stepped up to the plate and took responsibility for their actions.
krzewić, rozwijać, pielęgnować, wspierać (np. rozwój, współpracę)
Moi rodzice nigdy nie wspierali moich decyzji.
öğrenmeye başla
My parents never fostered my decisions.
odpowiedzialność, odpowiedzialność (gdy ktoś jest odpowiedzialny za coś i jest gotów na przyjęcie krytyki) x2
öğrenmeye başla
responsibility, accountability
I will take all accountability for our failure on me.
słaby punkt
öğrenmeye başla
pressure point
rozpocząć coś, zacząć x2 not p.v.
öğrenmeye başla
get the ball rolling, go ahead with sth
Who'd like to get the ball rolling? Let's start the ball rolling with the summary of the last week.
öğrenmeye başla
hold sb back
She regrets having kids because she thinks they hold her back from spreading her wings.
zebrać np. plony, zyski, zbierać (owoce pracy), korzystać (z wyniku czegoś)
öğrenmeye başla
reap sth, reap a harvest
The company is now reaping the harvest of careful planning.
odporny, wytrzymały (o osobie), x2/ odporny na choroby
öğrenmeye başla
resilient, resistant / immune, immune
Despite enormous suffering, the patient remained resilient.
znajomość, znajomy
öğrenmeye başla
aquaintance, aquaintance,
wprowadzać w życie, wdrażać
öğrenmeye başla
We may not have enough money to implement our plan.
przyrostowy, stopniowy, narastający
öğrenmeye başla
Last year, we made incremental progress. We noticed a slow but steady development.
zmniejszać, zmniejszać się, maleć, ubywać, też umniejszać (np. znaczenie czegoś), pomniejszać (np. czyjeś osiągnięcia)
öğrenmeye başla
My enthusiasm has diminished greatly.
objętość, pojemność, ładowność też zdolność uczenia się / być poza zasięgiem czyjegoś zrozumienia
öğrenmeye başla
capacity, be beyond one's capacity
It seems to be beyond his capacity to follow simple instructions
szanse, prawdopodobieństwo, los [tylko liczba mnoga]
(Los mu nie sprzyja, podobnie jak i wiek.)
öğrenmeye başla
odds, odds of
What are the odds of you moving in here with me? The odds are against him and so is his age.
kotwica, zakotwiczyć
öğrenmeye başla
anchor, anchor
Make sure the table is securely anchored. The crane is securely anchored at two points.
dziwactwo, fantazja, chwilowa moda, kaprys
öğrenmeye başla
How long do you think this Internet fad is going to last?
wysadzić kogoś
öğrenmeye başla
drop somebody off
I will drop you off at the station.
silna potrzeba, pragnienie (zrobienia czegoś), popęd np. seksualny, pragnienie
öğrenmeye başla
I feel a strong urge to go out of the office. I couldn't resist the urge to steal that video camera from the shop.
popierać (czyjeś poglądy), wspierać (przekonania), wzmacniać (uczucia), umacniać (więzi)
öğrenmeye başla
The parting reinforced our love.
wyczerpać, uszczuplać, wyczerpywać, redukować
öğrenmeye başla
Our food supply was soon depleted.
dodatkowe źródło dochodu, dodatkowa praca x3
öğrenmeye başla
side hustle, side job, side gig
wykluczenie, wyłączenie, zamknięcie dostępu, pominięcie
öğrenmeye başla
He earned himself an exclusion with his bad behaviour
wyrabiać sobie, opanowywać np. pozycję zawodową
öğrenmeye başla
carve out
carve out a career
bezlitosny, bezwzględny
öğrenmeye başla
ruthless, ruthless
a ruthless dictator, They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights. Throw away clothes you don’t wear – be ruthless.
podwoić stawkę
öğrenmeye başla
double down
rada szkoły
öğrenmeye başla
School Board
spójny, konsekwentny / rozbieżność
öğrenmeye başla
consistent / discrepancy
There is something of a discrepancy between scientific findings and political action.
nadciągające terminy / sprostać terminom
öğrenmeye başla
looming deadlines / meet a deadline
wprowadzić w życie, wdrażać
öğrenmeye başla
implement, implement a policy/plan/decision
We have decided to implement the committee’s recommendations in full
stopniowy, nieznaczny, przyrostowy
öğrenmeye başla
Last year, we made incremental progress. We noticed a slow but steady development.
szkodliwe, negatywne skutki efekty x3
öğrenmeye başla
detrimental / deleterious/ adverse effects
znienawidzona rzecz, coś co kogoś drażni
öğrenmeye başla
pet peeve
Weak coffee is one of my pet peeves.
wada, braki X3 / wady i zalety
öğrenmeye başla
downside, shortcoming, drawback / pros and cons, merits and drawbacks
zalety przewyższają wady
öğrenmeye başla
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
codzienne, rutynowe życie / nużąca praca
öğrenmeye başla
mundane life / a tedious job
możliwy, wykonalny X3
öğrenmeye başla
plausible, feasible, viable
to wszystko sprowadza się do (potocznie)
öğrenmeye başla
it all boils down to
to przyczynia się do /to wynika z tego / to pociąga za sobą
öğrenmeye başla
it contributes to / it stems from sth / it entails...
zestawienie (dwóch lub kilku rzeczy na zasadzie kontrastu) / uderzające zestawienie, połączenie
öğrenmeye başla
juxtaposition, striking juxtaposition
pochłonięty czymś/ zanurzony w czymś x2
öğrenmeye başla
engrossed in sth/ immersed in something
zafascynowany, zauroczony czymś
öğrenmeye başla
enthralled by something
The children were enthralled by the story she was telling.
radosny o doświadczeniu
öğrenmeye başla
exhilarating (experience)
Learning to surf is exhausting but exhilarating.
straszny, rozdzierający np. ból
öğrenmeye başla
excruciating, excruciating pain
The noise they made was excruciating. The pain was too excruciating for me.
daremny / na próżno
öğrenmeye başla
futile / all in vain
utrudnienie, przeszkoda x4
öğrenmeye başla
hindrance, obstruction, obstacle, handicap
Not speaking the language is a real handicap. The floods have been a major hindrance to relief efforts.
zagrażać x4
öğrenmeye başla
jeopardise, threaten, pose a threat, imperil
This pregnancy threatens my career.
zniekształcony (np. obraz, rzeczywistość)
öğrenmeye başla
distorted vision, distorted image, distorted reality
przewidywać, wyobrażać sobie x5
öğrenmeye başla
envisage, predict, project, forsee, forcast
głęboko zakorzeniony
öğrenmeye başla
In the small towns racial prejudice was deeply entrenched. • The attitudes of adults to mentally handicapped tend to be firmly entrenched, and difficult to change.
czynić w czymś postępy, widoczny efekt
öğrenmeye başla
make inroads into something
You won't make inroads in your career unless you change your attitude.
zwinny, bystry, lotny
öğrenmeye başla
Her nimble feet show what a great dancer she is.
sztywny, surowy, nieugięty, twardy synonim: inflexible
öğrenmeye başla
The matter in a neutron star is about as rigid as matter can get.
nabierać tempa, nabrać rozpędu, przyspieszać
öğrenmeye başla
gather pace
After 1946, support for European unity began to gather pace.
następnie, potem, później, następujący po sobie (formalnie)
öğrenmeye başla
The book was published in 1954 and was subsequently translated into fifteen languages.
wykrzyknąć x2 / wykrzyknik
öğrenmeye başla
exclaim, call something out, call out something / exclamation mark
He was calling out some insults.
öğrenmeye başla
This skull is over two thousand years old.
ironiczny uśmiech, złośliwy uśmieszek / uśmiechać się ironicznie, złośliwie
öğrenmeye başla
smirk / smirk
He looks mean when he smirks like that.
zbić z tropu, zatkać (kogoś niespodziewaną wiadomością)
öğrenmeye başla
to floor
She completely floored me when she announced she was getting married.
parszywy, nędzny, kiepski, podły, okropny (np. bardzo złej jakości) potocznie kiepski, mizerny (niezbyt dobry w czymś), wstrętny, zawszony
öğrenmeye başla
lousy, lousy
The food was lousy.
być w lepszej sytuacji
öğrenmeye başla
be better off
The country would be better off if more women were serving in Congress.
wynik, rezultat
öğrenmeye başla
In a month or so we'll check the outcome of our efforts.
nie móc znieść widoku czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
can't stand the sight of sth
He can't stand the sight of blood. I can't stand the sight of my reflection in the mirror.
niebezpieczny, ryzykowny termin literacki
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
inexplicable, inexplicable, inexplicable
For some inexplicable reasons she's decided to cancel the projects
gardzić, pogardzać kimś
öğrenmeye başla
She despised her neighbours.
tuszować np. dowód, ukrywać fakty, zatajać prawdę, tłumić np. ziewnięcie, uśmiech, poskramiać uczucia, wstrzymywać postęp, osłabiać odporność, hamować np. rozwój, wzrost
öğrenmeye başla
suppress, suppress
• He looked at me, waiting with suppressed anger.
głód, klęska głodu
öğrenmeye başla
famine, famine
In that year five million Chinese people died in the famine.
wywodzić się, pochodzić z
öğrenmeye başla
derive, derive from
The enzyme is derived from human blood.
powstrzymać się od zrobienia czegoś, pohamować się od zrobienia czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
to refrain from doing something
kusić, nęcić, wabić,
öğrenmeye başla
zmieszany, wprawiony w zakłopotanie
öğrenmeye başla
What's wrong? You look perplexed.
wtrącać się, wtrącać się w coś
öğrenmeye başla
meddle, meddle in sth
przeciętny, średni, mierny / średniak (o osobie), ktoś przeciętny mierność, miernota, przeciętność
öğrenmeye başla
mediocre, mediocre / mediocrity, mediocrity
Your composition was rather mediocre - you certainly could do better. His acting career started brilliantly, then sank into mediocrity.
legalny, prawowity, zgodny z prawem
öğrenmeye başla
He is a legitimate ruler
zastępować np. produkt ideę, wypierać kogoś coś
öğrenmeye başla
Iron began to supersede bronze for tool making about 3000 years ago. Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.
lont, zapalnik / rozbrajać minę bombę, rozładować napięcie, łagodzić sytuację, zażegnać kryzys / załagodzić sytuację
öğrenmeye başla
fuse, fuze /defuse, defuze / defuse a situation
Grzęda/ rozstawiać po kątach, mieć pełną kontrolę, rządzić / kogut
öğrenmeye başla
Roost / rule the roost/ rooster
dojść do siebie po stracie finansowej (o firmie) wracać do zdrowia, dojść do siebie (po chorobie)
öğrenmeye başla
Coles is recuperating from a sprained ankle. We’ve recuperated our losses.
przeciekać, ujawniać informacje/ przeciek dziura
öğrenmeye başla
Her good friend leaked the information to the press.
przekazać coś komuś dalej (umiejętności, wiedzę)
öğrenmeye başla
pass down, pass something down, pass something down to somebody
The tradition has been passed down from father to son for generations.
wartości odżywcze, pożywienie pokarm
öğrenmeye başla
charakterystyczny, szczególny, wyróżniający się
öğrenmeye başla
distinctive, distinctive feature
Whatever you think of Larkin's poetry, it's certainly distinctive. • Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings.
przerzucać most, łączyć (coś z czymś), zmniejszać (różnice, przepaść) język pisany
öğrenmeye başla
They bridged the lake at 2 points. We bridged the two cliffs. We must bridge the divide between our society and the immigrants.
przeplatać się, wpleciony / pleść, tkać, wyplatać
öğrenmeye başla
interweave interwove interwoven / weave wove woven
My grandmother wove a blanket for me.
przeglądać, czytać uważnie, studiować oficjalnie
öğrenmeye başla
He was perusing the map to find our camping site.
mający efekt przeciwny do zamierzonego, nieproduktywny
öğrenmeye başla
Some of the in-company trainings seem counterproductive
demaskować (oszustwo), obalać (np. teorię, mit)
öğrenmeye başla
to debunk a myth
zwyżkować (o giełdzie), wzrastać nagle (o temperaturze), skakać (o cenach)
öğrenmeye başla
Our company's actions spiked after last week's announcement.
bardzo czegoś pragnąć czasownik błagać o coś, zabiegać o coś oficjalnie łaknąć, mieć chętkę na coś
öğrenmeye başla
crave, crave for sth
I crave for some hot instant cocoa, I need sugar so badly.
o przedłużonej trwałości
öğrenmeye başla
przeważający, powszechnie występujący, rozpowszechniony synonim common
öğrenmeye başla
Solvent abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers.
znowu zacząć pić idiom
öğrenmeye başla
fall off the waggon
zdobyć popularność
öğrenmeye başla
gain popularity
furę, dużo, masę, kupę (określenie ilości) potocznie strasznie, cholernie, bardzo, mega
öğrenmeye başla
hella/ hell of a
włókno, błonnik
öğrenmeye başla
fiber, fiber
działać na coś, jeździć na coś (o samochodzie, np. na benzynę)
öğrenmeye başla
run on something
My car runs on petrol.
dodatek, domieszka (substancja dodawana do czegoś, poprawiająca np. zapach, wygląd)
öğrenmeye başla
długotrwały, nieprzerwany / podtrzymywać rozmowę, zainteresowanie), utrzymywać (np. dobrą jakość)
öğrenmeye başla
sustained, sustain
I tried to sustain the conversation, but he was just too boring.
odżywić, odżywiać, nawieźć, nawozić synonim: feed żywić, mieć (np. nadzieję, ambicję)
öğrenmeye başla
to nourish, nourish,
składnik odżywczy, substancja pokarmowa, substancja odżywcza
öğrenmeye başla
nutrient, nutrient, nutrient
Eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need.
rośliny strączkowe, roślina strączkowa strączek, strąk
öğrenmeye başla
legumes, legume
rozpraszać się np o ludziach rozchodzić się / rozkojarzać się rozpraszać się
öğrenmeye başla
disperse / distract
People dispersed and disappeared. Sorry, I keep getting distracted.
złagodzić, ulżyć x2
öğrenmeye başla
alleviate, ameliorate
The doctor has prescribed some drugs to alleviate the pain. The UN’s most important objective is to alleviate world poverty.
w krótkim terminie w krótkim czasie, na ostatnią chwilę / na krótką metę
öğrenmeye başla
at short notice English/ on short notice American / in the short term
wtrącać się, ingerować, wpływać na kogoś (np. na świadka, aby złożył fałszywe zeznania), kolidować z czymś
öğrenmeye başla
interfere, interfere with

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