soru |
cevap |
Co robisz? pocalujesz mnie? öğrenmeye başla
what are you doing? are you going to kiss me?
öğrenmeye başla
Czy pani Adams naprawdę pracuje tu od 35 lat? öğrenmeye başla
has ms Adams really been working here for 35 years?
öğrenmeye başla
Przyniosłem ci coś. Patrzeć öğrenmeye başla
I have brought you something. Look
mój kot zrobiłby to szybciej öğrenmeye başla
my cat would do it faster
Anna zwykle nosi spodnie, ale dziś ma na sobie spódnicę öğrenmeye başla
Anna usually wears trousers, but today she is wearing a skirt
czy ukończysz ten poziom przed 6? öğrenmeye başla
will you have completed this level by 6?
kiedy samolot wylądował, fani czekali na lotnisku öğrenmeye başla
when the plane landed the fans were waiting at the airport
kiedy samolot wylądował, fani czekali na lotnisku przez 3 godziny öğrenmeye başla
when the plane landed the fans had been waiting at the airport for 3 hours
öğrenmeye başla
W poniedziałek kupuję nową zmywarkę öğrenmeye başla
I'm buying a new dishwasher on Monday
öğrenmeye başla
I haven't been to honolulu
dowiesz się, jak tylko ją zapytasz öğrenmeye başla
you'll find out as soon as you Ask her
öğrenmeye başla
He's been waiting for an hour
Nigdy nie jechałem tak szybko öğrenmeye başla
I have never driven so fast
Dawid miał nowy samochód. Nigdy wcześniej nie jeździłem szybko öğrenmeye başla
David had a new car. I had never driven so fast before
gdzie ona zwykle kupuje warzywa? öğrenmeye başla
where does she usually buy vegetables?
tym razem Jutro będziemy jeść żabie udka öğrenmeye başla
this time Tomorrow we'll be eating frog legs
Nie wiedziałem o twojej chorobie. Pomógłbym ci öğrenmeye başla
I didn't know about your illness. I would have helped you