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Kto jest autorem tego podręcznika? öğrenmeye başla
Who’s the author of this coursebook?
On dobrze zarabia jako budowniczy öğrenmeye başla
He makes a good living as a builder
Rzeźnik odkroił kawałek mięsa öğrenmeye başla
The butcher chopped off a piece of meat
Stolarz nauczył nas jak robić meble öğrenmeye başla
The carpenter taught us how to make furniture
öğrenmeye başla
The cashier made a mistake
On pracuje jako szef kuchni öğrenmeye başla
Szukają sprzątaczki w tej firmie öğrenmeye başla
They’re looking for a cleaner in that company
Nigdy nie widziałem tak uprzejmego urzędnika öğrenmeye başla
I’ve never seen such a polite clerk
Szef zdecydował się zwolnić Horacego öğrenmeye başla
The boss decided to dismiss Horace
Strażak uratował starszą kobietę z pożaru öğrenmeye başla
The firefighter rescued the old woman from the fire
On został wybrany na gubernatora öğrenmeye başla
Sędzia wszedł na salę sądową öğrenmeye başla
The judge entered the courtroom
Prawnik dowiódł niewinności swojego klienta öğrenmeye başla
A lawyer proved the innocence of his client
Górnik kopał w poszukiwaniu złota öğrenmeye başla
The miner was digging for gold
Pielęgniarka umyła pacjenta öğrenmeye başla
The nurse washed the patient
Będziemy musieli wezwać hydraulika öğrenmeye başla
We’ll have to get a plumber in
Będę zadowolony z podwyżki öğrenmeye başla
I will be happy to have an increase in the salary
Cały personel był bardzo pomocny öğrenmeye başla
All the staff were very helpful
öğrenmeye başla
A surgeon sewed up the wound
Farmer wezwał weterynarza do chorej krowy öğrenmeye başla
The farmer called the ver to the sick cow
öğrenmeye başla
The waiter brought the menu