Bu hangi filmdendi?- Hollywood filmlerinden 100 meşhur replik
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Best American movie quotes
Hello gorgeous! The best American movies always leave us with some cool quotes that will definitely help your English skills shine! Haven’t you ever watched a super famous American movie and wanted to learn the script by heart? Well, we can assure you the best movie quotes in English will make you stand out from the crowd. Great quotes will make you a great person ;). We have found out that learning English through the most famous movies is for sure a super fun and effective way to improve your rusty English skills. Do you ever watch some of the best movies in English? The giant Hollywood has for sure tons of cool movies that have become the favorite quotes of generations.
Popular quotes never get old
All the American quotes that we have included in this super cool course will be your precioussss (You need to read it with Gollum’s voice). But wait a minute, wait a minute! There are tons of funny movie quotes you should definitely check out! Whether you want to talk like Jim Carrey or perfectly imitate The Godfather, this is your course. And guess what! You’ll be learning English along the way! Famous movies quotes are such a wonderful thing , aren’t they? The best quotes ever will be at your fingertips. So don’t worry you can stop searching ;)
Do you want to learn even more? Movie quotes usually contain a lot of vocabulary that might be a little bit tricky to understand at first. That is because a lot of American English slang is usually used in them. But no worries, we are here to help you out. We’re gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse ;). VocApp always has an ace under the sleeve, so we prepared this American English slang course just for you! Give it a try ;)
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