soru |
cevap |
It's not only used for honest criticism; we might also use it before something we're very proud of, or something we boast about. nie kłamiśc, prawdę mówiąc. öğrenmeye başla
Not gonna lie Feifei, you do look a little tired. Slow down! You really are a terrible driver Mark, not gonna lie.
ograniczyć coś, zredukować coś öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
I usually heat up a frozen meal.
cook or be cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan. dusić (także gulasz) öğrenmeye başla
a new way to stew rhubarb
öğrenmeye başla
różnego rodzaju płatki zbożowe na sniadanie także: kasza öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
optować na rzecz czegoś, wybierać öğrenmeye başla
Indeed, it simply means 'and so on', or 'and other similar things'. whole shebang öğrenmeye başla
I had a super lazy weekend. I woke up late, got some coffee, went for a walk, watched a couple of movies, all that jazz. It was great
mysterious or difficult to understand tajemniczy öğrenmeye başla
the official money that can be used within a country środek płatniczy öğrenmeye başla
a promise to yourself to do or not do something postanowienie, decyzja öğrenmeye başla
Catherine's New Year's resolution was to give up drinking alcohol for a whole month
not do something that is enjoyable but bad for you wstrzymać się, powstrzymać się od czegoś (stop, refrein) öğrenmeye başla
Rob needs to abstain from eating cakes if he wants to wear his skinny jeans
to become normal and start working properly öğrenmeye başla
'It took a while for the new computer system to bed in but now it's working perfectly.
stracić, zrzucić öğrenmeye başla
often disapproving something that provides help and support and that you depend on, often too much: kula (do podparcia), także wsparcie. öğrenmeye başla
the state of not being drunk trzeźwość öğrenmeye başla
sober - trzeźwy
to spend time doing something öğrenmeye başla
We were bored, so to pass time we played video games.
to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you wyluzować się öğrenmeye başla
Chill out, Dad. The train doesn't leave for another hour!
to force someone who disagrees with you to listen to your opinions wciskać komuś swoje opinie/poglądy, zmuszac do słuchania öğrenmeye başla
We'll never accept these terms, so don't try to ram them down our throats
to hit or push something with force ubijać, wtłaczać, wciskać öğrenmeye başla
Someone rammed (into) my car while it was parked outside my house. He rammed the sweets/his pipe into his mouth.
a large change in the way something is organized öğrenmeye başla
The company is undergoing a radical shake-up
to slowly disappear, lose importance, or become weaker zanikać öğrenmeye başla
As the years passed, the memories faded away.
öğrenmeye başla
If something such as a disagreement..., it continues for a long time without being resolved przeciąga się öğrenmeye başla
The dispute rumbled on for months.
to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either because you are joking or because you want to upset that person dokuczać, tręczyć - [vex] öğrenmeye başla
Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel.
to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something usunąć wierzchnią warstwę öğrenmeye başla
także rozebrać się Because of the pollution, the trees are almost completely stripped of bark
öğrenmeye başla
Either way, from the point of view of this Parliament, there will be a 2008 budget.
to become or cause someone to become extremely emotional: wkurzać się, bać się, ekscytować się, być przerażonym, świrować öğrenmeye başla
He freaked out when he heard he'd got the job. This song just freaks me out whenever I hear it.
thin, flat slices of cold cooked meat zimna płyta, öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
a style of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment. kuchnia, np. polska kuchnia öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
That's a pity öğrenmeye başla
achieve or complete successfully ukończyć öğrenmeye başla
to allow your principles to be less strong or your standards or morals to be lower kompromitować się, narazić na szwank öğrenmeye başla
If we back down on this issue, our reputation will be compromised.
to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated wycofać się, przyznać się do porażki (withdrow) öğrenmeye başla
Local residents have forced the local council to back down from/on its plans to build a nightclub on their street.